The Art of Confidence

A stoic’s guide to cultivating greater boldness

Ibra of Woodbridge
Pragmatic Wisdom


A sketch of a sculpture of an ancient stoic.
Made By Ibrahim K Camara, Canva

There was a time when a void held up my flesh.

A child with no confidence, drive, or pursuit of any kind.

I can remember entering class with unshakable nerves, drowning in the awkwardness of being a sophomore in high school. A shell within a shell, my spirit withheld itself from exploring the individuals around me. In that establishment, I felt my best quality was my silence.

And that silence — no — that inner suppression prevented me from achieving any social progress and, most importantly, cultivating any true character.

Then life took a drastic shift, and I found myself quarantining with the rest of my family with not another soul in sight. And though this may sound bizarre to some, this period sparked the beginning of my true confidence.

I’ve marked three stages to growing my confidence, arenas every soul must engage in to develop a powerful character. Let’s dive into them.

Realizations through pen

a photo of a journal cover
My first official journal

“I know that I must constantly adapt in order to thrive in a world…



Ibra of Woodbridge
Pragmatic Wisdom

Ibrahim K. Camara. Aspiring Writer, Philosopher, and Creative | Opening The Human Mind 1 Word At A Time.