The Little Things I’ve Learnt About Love and Life

It’s all that matters, isn’t it?

Khushi Anand
2 min readMay 15, 2024
A photo of a girl walking in a field of flowers
Photo by Ozan Çulha on Pexels

The last year and a half has been all about self-improvement and growth for me.

Monthly goals, quarterly goals, yearly goals. Always thinking of what’s next. Always upset I’m not doing good enough. Always wanting more.

But in the middle of these high-stress moments, there are times when the world slows down.

A trip to the mountains of Shimla with my partner, a weekend spent with my girl best friend, a dinner with my Mom, a get-together after work — and the world slows down just a little bit.

There are no screens, no mails flashing, no movie playing to numb your mind. You’re here fully, present where your feet are.

Talking, laughing, venting, crying, loving, connecting.

Isn’t that what life is all about?

Last month, I tried a fun little experiment. I would circle the days on my calendar when life felt like it was all worth it. When living felt magical.

What a surprise — all these days were ones I spent with the people I love. Not working, not escaping from work, just living.

Then why is it that it’s the last of our priorities?

Never have I ever heard someone say that for this month, my goal is to just live as much as I can. To experience life fully. To forget my ambitions and goals and work and just focus on experiencing life.

There’s all this talk about why the Scandinavians are the happiest people in the world. But look at all the data you get, what all the studies point to. How they spend time in nature, the little break in the afternoon for a cup of coffee and baked goods, the clear boundaries between work and life.

It’s simple when you think about it, isn’t it? They don’t make their work, goals, or ambitions their whole life.

We must recognize there’s more to living than working, than achieving, than becoming our best selves.

There’s being, there’s connecting, there’s love.

Love for your friends, your partner, your family.

But also love and compassion for yourself. Taking care of yourself in a way that’s special to you. Spending time doing things you enjoy. Connecting with yourself and asking what you want from this life.

Apart from work, how would you like to spend your time? Because we’re all unique. What I want might not be for you.

Would you like to travel, would you like to learn new hobbies, would you like to play a sport?

Love yourself enough to find out, to build a life that’s more than just work, to live fully.

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Khushi Anand

Sharing everything I learn on my personal growth journey. Come along for some self-improvement, life lessons, spirituality and personal growth.