The Moment I Realized I Could Try But I Couldn’t Change an Already Made-Up Mind

Is it fair to influence someone else’s decision just because?

Yana Bostongirl
Pragmatic Wisdom


Values vs goals and the choices we make

When I was a child, my father was away a lot. I recall I used to cry and ask him to come back but those days he was so busy building his career that everything else was secondary. It is never a bad thing to pursue one’s dreams and goals; however, what I have observed in my life is that a single-minded pursuit can leave other important things by the wayside.

My family broke up when I was young. My mom moved out with my sibling and a hefty alimony while I moved to the US. By the time my father retired, he had conquered everything he had set out to careerwise but returned to an empty house.

My father and I share a close relationship. Over the years, he has been both mother and father to me. Once, I asked him whether money was more important than familial relationships. He responded that familial relationships were all well and good, however, life could be difficult if you don’t have money. Moreso if you became sick and didn’t have the wherewithal to pay the bills. Then you might end up becoming a burden to said family members.



Yana Bostongirl
Pragmatic Wisdom

💕I am a Boston-based blogger who writes about love, life & relationships💕| My Substack is Yana's World 🦋 🦋 Come say hi!