The Story That Became Nothing — Prequel

Yes, before nothing, there was something

R C Hammond 😎 FHB
Pragmatic Wisdom
3 min readJul 1, 2023


Photo by Wan Salahuddin Wan Ismail on Unsplash

I’m warning you, gang. You now have me on another tangent. I will not be responsible for how this article affects you.

Please see the disclaimer at the end of this post.

A writer this morning ‘baited’ me into doing more of this series. So, here goes. Thanks Alec Zarenkiewicz. It’s your fault.

Surely, you don’t expect me to continue the story of Nothing. There is nothing left to say that has not already been said. But what was there before nothing?

In a nutshell (a very apt description), before there is anything, including nothing, there has to be Something. And that is where the story begins.

Long ago, in a galaxy, far …… (wrong script).

It’s commonly known that I like to meander. That aimless wandering allows many things for Finn and me. During these outings, I’m never looking for anything in particular but always find something to see or ponder.

My mind is wired that way now, since retirement. Or unwired.

That something can be anything. Just yesterday, I stopped to get a Magnolia flower for the kitchen table. I love the smell of these. Isn’t it something?

So, I find myself most days lost in thought, mindful of many things, and thankful too. Yes, you can be mindful, thinking of nothing, but that was the other story. This one is about something.

When I still worked, most of my days were consumed with tasks. A repetitive list of boring, grinding-it-out, rote-like things sucking the life out of me. Never, it seems did I have time to think of nothing, let alone something.

Flash forward a little over a year, and voila. I now have a growing list of things to do with enjoyable substance. And the flexibility each day to add or subtract if something else comes up. It’s a marvelous feeling.

I know, for those of you who are inherently curious like I am, you’ve reached this point in the story, and you’re scratching your head or something else (don’t tell me), wondering if this nut case is going somewhere with this.

Maybe you have missed the point. What I’m doing is meandering because I now can, and you may be thinking that where I’m going is leading nowhere, but actually, I want to show you something.

When Finn saw something a few mornings ago, I did not. Eventually, I did too. Isn’t it cute? The first one I’ve seen in the wild. An ouch mouse.

Photo by Nicolas Savignat on Unsplash

What I can now do joyfully, and you can too, is take nothing and make something out of it. Your mind can do that if you let it. But it takes work.

It’s cluttered and jammed as mine was with stuff that adds up to what your life demands that you do each day to get things done. To be present and responsible, and accountable because you have to.

By the way, do you know what a visionary is? Someone who sees something when others don’t.

One day, you too will have the option of choosing if you want to do nothing and then when you’re ready, as I am now, to do something of your choice. Life will never be the same again for you.

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: The subject of something is very complex. If, after reading this, you are more confused than before you started, I have achieved my goal. Welcome to my world. Ain’t it grand?

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R C Hammond 😎 FHB
Pragmatic Wisdom

A recent US immigrant to Spain. What could go wrong? Dog dad. Reach me by email: