Prairie Fire | Anne Marie Wells Poetry

Anne Marie Wells
A.M. Poetry
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2022


Photo by Laura Nyhuis on Unsplash

Prairie Fire

Gros Ventres buttes lie
still as Prairie Fire rouge their cheeks.

Ablaze, roots envelope
these false names defined in colonial

history books, replace them
with the constellation stories buried in dirt

and stone, letting more and more
crimson bracts stake claim to their home.

These hills are aflame,
but no smoke obscures the sun who lingers

on every inch of sky,
beaming assured that it’s looking at its reflection

on the side of the mountain whose name, too,
fell to white tongues generations ago.

“Prairie Fire” was first published in a previous iteration by Wild Roof Journal, an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people — painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression.

Click here to submit to Wild Roof Journal.

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