Don’t Put Me On The Spot — I’m an Introvert

We’re insightful folk, but you won’t get our best unless you give us time

Danielle Godfrey
A Magical Space For The Introvert


Do you ever find yourself unable to come up with ideas on the spot, when demanded, only to think of something great just moments later, once you’ve had the time to think in your own space and without the immediate pressure?

Have you ever left a meeting with a doctor, boss, estate agent, wedding planner — whoever — having asked very few questions when given the chance, only for your brain to bombard you with should-have-asked questions just moments after leaving?

Maybe you’ve had to endure a brief small-talk chat with a colleague or neighbour, scrambling for stock-phrases to use in order to hold a conversation that achieves nothing other than making noise, to find yourself thinking afterwards of many more meaningful things you could have asked them, to have actually brought value to the interaction.

Frustrating, isn’t it!

This happens to me all the time, and it leads me to dread interactions and situations like these.

We have lots to say if you give us time to think

When I’m asked to contribute ideas on the spot, or even come up with questions about something I’ve…

