
What is an introvert?

Why do you identify as an introvert?

Wambui Njuguna
A Magical Space For The Introvert


The term introversion is often misunderstood, and therefore, misused.

A white mug labeled ‘busy introverting’ in a pink background.
photo: elena koycheva on Unsplash

You may identify as an introvert because you are shy, anti-social, love living like a hermit, or to sum them all up have inadequate social skills. While introverts may have these characteristics, there’s a lot more introversion as a character trait.

Introverts are people who prefer minimal interaction with external stimuli and need to recharge after interactions. This is because their brains are more sensitive to dopamine as compared to extroverts. Introverts regain their energy by spending time alone.

Common Characteristics of Introverts

All introverts do not have the same characteristics. Even when categorized under our sociability, human beings remain unique individuals with unique characteristics.

To be categorized, however, there are traits explained by one or more phenomena found in human beings that enable the process of categorization. Common characteristics that define introversion include;

  • Preference to spend time alone
  • Aversion to small talk
  • Aversion to loud sounds
  • Preference for a small circle of friends
  • Preference to work alone

The high sensitivity to dopamine calls for introverts to protect their energy. Introverts feel drained or exhausted after socializing or spending time in a highly stimulating environment.

Therefore, most common characteristics of introversion are designed to help them protect or regain their energy.

Solitude is one of the many ways introverts recharge. This may mean different things for different introverts. For some it may be spending time alone in nature, reading a book, or doing solo activities.

The objective is not to rest entirely like you do when sleeping, but to spend time alone in a low-stimulating environment, to recharge.

Aversion to small talk is a habit that develops with time as introverts get to know more about themselves. Through experience, introverts realize that meaningless banter drains their energy, and therefore, prefer to only engage in meaningful conversation and exclude themselves from small talk.

Likewise, other aversions such as loud sounds, a lot of friends, and crowds develop alongside the preference for the characteristics that recharge them.

The characteristics of introversion are simply habits that develop with time designed to protect or regain their energy.

These characteristics differ for every introvert as they are all unique individuals. Some enjoy loud music and some enjoy working with background noise from time to time, some are capable of holding small talk while some have a large group of friends.

It doesn’t mean they are not introverted. The only constant in introversion for all individuals is their dopamine sensitivity.

Common Myths about Introverts

  • Introverts are shy

Shy people tend to feel tense or nervous during social interactions. A shy person can be an introvert, but not all introverts are shy.

  • Introverts lack social skills

Introverts are capable of socializing. They are capable of public speaking and networking. Unlike extroverts, they feel exhausted after these interactions and need time to recharge before socializing again.

They also prefer to hold meaningful conversations over banter.

Other character traits such as their preference to stay alone over spending time with other people and a small circle of friends should not be interpreted as their inability to socialize but as their preference for habits that protect their energy.

  • Introverts are rude

They are not, they just don’t like small talk.

  • Introverts need to fix themselves

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert. Introverts can thrive in all kinds of environments. They excel at work, in relationships, and life generally.

Sociability is not a measure of intelligence.

There are a lot of character traits categorized under introversion, and even more upon further categorization of personality traits as done in tests like the Myers-Briggs test.

These character traits enable each individual to navigate through life uniquely. The lack or presence of certain traits does not make any one individual better than the other.

Embracing our uniqueness is crucial. It helps us succeed in various life aspects in the way that only we can.

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IntrovertWorld encourages every introvert to embrace their uniqueness, every person to embrace the uniqueness of the introvert in their life, their uniqueness and those of their loved ones.

Is there an aspect of your personality that you struggle to embrace? Share in the comment section or with me on IntrovertWorld.



Wambui Njuguna
A Magical Space For The Introvert

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: