Concentration of Government Investment in Few Cities: Advantages, Disadvantages, and the Zipf Law

Diogo Ribeiro
A Mathematician view of the World
10 min readJun 30, 2023
Photo by ben o'bro on Unsplash

The concentration of government investment around a few select cities within a country is a topic of considerable debate. While this approach offers numerous advantages such as economic growth, improved infrastructure, and enhanced public services, it also raises concerns about regional disparities, social inequality, and the neglect of rural areas. Additionally, the phenomenon of urban concentration can be analyzed through the lens of the Zipf law, which provides insights into the distribution of cities’ sizes and their economic significance. This article aims to explore both the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating government investment in a limited number of cities within a country, while also considering the implications of the Zipf law.

Advantages of Concentration of Government Investment

Economic Growth and Development

Concentrating government investment in a few cities can lead to accelerated economic growth and development. The Zipf law suggests that a small number of cities tend to contribute disproportionately to a country’s economic output. By channeling resources into these economically significant cities, governments can foster an environment conducive to business growth, attracting both domestic and foreign investments. This concentrated economic activity can stimulate job creation, increase productivity, and spur innovation, leading to overall economic prosperity.

Infrastructure Development

Another advantage of focusing government investment in select cities is the ability to prioritize and expedite infrastructure development. The Zipf law implies that larger cities have a greater demand for robust transportation systems, energy networks, and other essential infrastructure. By directing investments towards these cities, governments can enhance transportation connectivity, build efficient logistical networks, and improve public services such as water supply, sanitation, and healthcare. This targeted infrastructure development can fuel further economic growth and attract additional investments.

Agglomeration Economies

Concentration of government investment in a limited number of cities can leverage the concept of agglomeration economies. The Zipf law suggests that cities with larger populations offer various advantages such as a larger pool of skilled labor, a diverse range of industries, and knowledge spillovers. When businesses and industries cluster together in these cities, they can benefit from shared knowledge, access to specialized suppliers, and collaborative networks. This concentration can result in increased productivity, cost efficiencies, and innovation, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of economic growth and attracting further investments.

Attraction of Talent and Education

Investment in a few select cities can also lead to the concentration of educational institutions, research centers, and cultural amenities. The Zipf law implies that larger cities tend to offer better educational and employment opportunities. This concentration of intellectual and creative capital can attract talented individuals from both within the country and abroad, fostering knowledge exchange, innovation, and cultural vibrancy. The presence of renowned universities and research institutes can also lead to a better-educated workforce, which further drives economic development.

Disadvantages of Concentration of Government Investment

Regional Disparities

One of the primary concerns with concentrating government investment in a few cities is the potential exacerbation of regional disparities. The Zipf law suggests that smaller cities and rural areas may receive limited attention and resources, leading to an imbalanced distribution of economic opportunities. Neglecting these regions can result in unequal access to basic services, reduced job prospects, and increased migration from rural to urban areas, further straining already congested cities.

Overburdened Infrastructure

Intense government investment in select cities may lead to overburdened infrastructure, especially if the influx of population surpasses the capacity of existing systems. The Zipf law indicates that larger cities face higher demands for housing, transportation, and public services. Consequently, housing shortages, traffic congestion, and strained public amenities can arise from rapid urbanization, negatively impacting the quality of life for residents. Furthermore, the concentration of critical infrastructure in a few cities can make them vulnerable to natural disasters or other unforeseen disruptions. Insufficient planning and management of infrastructure can exacerbate these challenges, highlighting the need for comprehensive urban planning and investment strategies.

Social Inequality

Concentrating government investment in a limited number of cities can contribute to social inequality. The Zipf law suggests that larger cities attract higher-paying jobs and offer greater access to amenities and services. As a result, marginalized communities in other regions may face neglect and limited access to resources and opportunities. This disparity can lead to social unrest, as well as economic and political instability within the country. It is essential for governments to prioritize inclusive growth strategies that address the needs of all regions and ensure equitable access to services and opportunities.

Environmental Impact

The concentration of government investment in select cities can have adverse environmental consequences. Urbanization, as implied by the Zipf law, often leads to increased energy consumption, pollution, and pressure on natural resources. Inadequate planning and regulation can further exacerbate these challenges, resulting in issues such as air pollution, inadequate waste management, and the degradation of green spaces. Sustainable urban planning, resource management, and environmental protection measures are crucial to mitigate the environmental impact of concentrated investments.

Loss of Cultural Diversity

Concentrating government investment in select cities may inadvertently result in the homogenization of culture and the loss of regional diversity. The Zipf law implies that larger cities often become centers of cultural expression and creativity. However, if resources primarily flow into these cities, local traditions, cultural heritage, and unique identities in other regions may be marginalized or overshadowed. Preserving cultural diversity and supporting regional development outside major cities should be a priority to ensure a vibrant and inclusive society.

Economic Vulnerability

While concentrating government investment in a few cities can yield economic benefits, it can also make the country vulnerable to economic shocks. The Zipf law highlights that dependence on specific sectors or industries concentrated in these cities can create imbalances in the economy. A downturn in one sector or a crisis affecting the city’s main industry can have far-reaching negative consequences, causing unemployment, economic instability, and a decline in overall prosperity. Diversifying the economy and promoting regional development can help mitigate these risks and enhance economic resilience.


The concentration of government investment in a limited number of cities can offer significant advantages such as economic growth, infrastructure development, and the attraction of talent. However, it is crucial to consider and address the potential disadvantages associated with this approach, including regional disparities, overburdened infrastructure, social inequality, environmental impact, and the loss of cultural diversity. By adopting a balanced approach that ensures inclusive growth, sustainable development, and equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, governments can harness the benefits of concentrated investments while mitigating the drawbacks. The application of the Zipf law can provide insights into the distribution of cities and their economic significance, guiding policymakers in crafting effective strategies for balanced and inclusive development across the country.


Zipf’s Law and its Application to the Concentration of Government Investment

Zipf’s Law, named after the linguist George Kingsley Zipf, is an empirical observation that describes the relationship between the size and rank of cities within a country. The law states that the population of a city is inversely proportional to its rank, meaning that the second-largest city will have roughly half the population of the largest city, the third-largest city will have roughly one-third the population, and so on. Mathematically, Zipf’s Law can be represented as:

P = C / R^α

Where P is the population of a city, R is its rank, C is a constant, and α is the exponent that determines the rate of decrease in population with increasing rank.

Zipf’s Law has been found to hold true for many real-world phenomena, including city sizes, word frequencies in languages, and income distribution. In the context of the concentration of government investment, Zipf’s Law can provide insights into the distribution of cities and their economic significance within a country.

When it comes to government investment, Zipf’s Law implies that a small number of cities will have a disproportionately larger population and economic output compared to the rest. These cities, often referred to as primate cities, serve as major economic and cultural hubs, attracting significant government investments and driving regional development.

The application of Zipf’s Law to the concentration of government investment allows policymakers to identify the key cities that have a significant impact on the country’s economy. By focusing resources on these cities, governments can leverage the potential for agglomeration economies, enhanced infrastructure, and the attraction of talent, as discussed in the main article.

Furthermore, understanding the implications of Zipf’s Law can help policymakers anticipate potential challenges associated with concentrated investments. For example, the law suggests that smaller cities and rural areas may receive limited attention and resources, leading to regional disparities. By recognizing this pattern, policymakers can develop strategies to ensure inclusive growth, such as promoting regional development initiatives, improving infrastructure connectivity to rural areas, and investing in education and skills development outside major cities.

Additionally, the Zipf law highlights the economic vulnerability associated with concentrated investments. Since larger cities often dominate specific sectors or industries, a downturn in these sectors or a crisis affecting the major city can have a substantial impact on the entire country’s economy. Policymakers can use this insight to diversify the economy, foster innovation in various regions, and promote a more balanced distribution of economic activities.

In conclusion, the application of Zipf’s Law to the concentration of government investment provides a framework for understanding the distribution of cities and their economic significance within a country. By leveraging this knowledge, policymakers can make informed decisions about resource allocation, infrastructure development, and strategies to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth across all regions.

Python Examples

Here’s an example in Python that demonstrates the application of Zipf’s Law to the distribution of city populations within a country.

In this example, we use the NumPy library to generate random populations for a given number of cities within a specified range. We then rank the city populations and calculate the exponent ‘alpha’ of Zipf’s Law using linear regression on logarithmic values. The predicted populations are generated based on Zipf’s Law, and we plot both the observed and predicted populations using Matplotlib.

Please note that the example generates random city populations for the sake of demonstration, and the actual distribution of city populations may vary in real-world scenarios.

Here’s a more complex example that extends the previous one by simulating the distribution of city populations based on Zipf’s Law and analyzing the concentration of government investment in select cities.

In this example, we generate city populations based on Zipf’s Law by assigning populations to cities according to their rank. The exponent of 0.8 in the formula has been chosen arbitrarily for illustration purposes. The generate_city_populations function generates populations for the specified number of cities within the given population range.

We then calculate the concentration index, which represents the proportion of the total population accounted for by the selected number of cities. The calculate_concentration_index function takes the city populations and the number of selected cities as input and returns the concentration index.

Finally, we plot the population distribution of the cities using Matplotlib and display the concentration index. The concentration index provides an understanding of the degree to which the selected cities dominate the overall population.

Remember to adjust the parameters, such as the number of cities, the population range, and the number of selected cities, to suit your specific analysis and requirements.

Graph Theory Application

Here’s an example that demonstrates the application of graph theory to analyze the concentration of government investment in select cities based on their population and connectivity.

In this example, we use the NetworkX library to represent the cities as nodes in a graph. The population of each city is assigned as a node attribute. The generate_city_populations function generates random populations for the specified number of cities within the given population range.

We then create a graph using the create_city_graph function, where each city is a node with its respective population as an attribute. The graph represents the connectivity between cities based on their population.

We visualize the city graph using the plot_city_graph function, where the node sizes and colors are proportional to the population of each city. The graph provides a visual representation of the interconnections between cities.

Finally, we calculate the concentration index using the calculate_concentration_index function, which measures the proportion of the total population accounted for by the selected number of cities. The concentration index provides insights into the dominance of certain cities in terms of population and connectivity.

Feel free to modify the parameters, such as the number of cities, the population range, and the number of selected cities, to suit your specific analysis and requirements.

Evolution Dynamics

To incorporate the evolution of city populations over time, we can modify the previous example by introducing a time dimension and updating the city populations in each time step. Here’s an example that demonstrates the evolution of city populations over multiple time steps using graph theory:

Markov Chain

We can apply Markov chain analysis to model the evolution of city populations over time. Markov chains are a mathematical framework that allows us to study the transition probabilities between different states. In this case, the states represent the city populations, and the transition probabilities represent the growth rates of cities.

Here’s an example of applying a simple Markov chain model to simulate the evolution of city populations:

In this example, we replace the generate_next_city_populations function with a modified version that uses a transition matrix instead of random growth rates. The transition matrix represents the probabilities of different growth rates for cities. Each row of the matrix corresponds to a growth rate, and the probabilities in each row represent the likelihood of transitioning to that growth rate. The growth rates are then used to calculate the next city populations.

You can customize the transition matrix to reflect specific patterns or dynamics in city population growth. Additionally, you can incorporate additional factors or variables into the transition matrix to make the model more realistic and representative of the dynamics observed in real-world city populations.

Note that this example provides a basic illustration of applying a Markov chain model to simulate the evolution of city populations. Depending on the specific dynamics and complexity of the system, more sophisticated Markov chain models can be designed and implemented.

