How many claps?

A clap guide with rules that I just made up.

Michelle Steele
A ‘Medum’ writing journey


Image Credit: Free-Photos / 9091 images/Pixaby

Medium is a little weird. Rather than have a simplistic upvote downvote system, content consumers can instead use the clap function on the left-hand side of all articles.

If you’re new to Medium, it’s pretty straightforward, you just hit the wee button with the image of hands on it but the big question is how many times? You can clap once or you can clap up to 50 times (I tested this — and yes your welcome person I clapped 50 times for). The clap potential leads to the unusual situation of having an article which only 2 people clapped for, outperform an article that 16 people clapped for in the clap cup final.

This led me to wonder what method people are using to decide how many claps to give. Is it completely arbitrary? Do you clap till you get bored? Or have you set up a system? Do you give pity claps? Or do you clap once for everything you read? Do images earn extra claps or just the level of writing?

See? I bet all the responses are different. This is all very willy-nilly so rather than live in the land of confusion (shout out to Genesis), I’ve just gone and made up some rules and am publishing them in this totally invented guide to clapping.

Michelle’s arbitrary rules for clap assignment.



Michelle Steele
A ‘Medum’ writing journey

Writing for the love of it. A puntastic atheist, an awful cook, an amateur scientist. A noob on Medium but an expert on Quora.