You Ain’t a Product of a Divine Creation

Five examples of how organisms have evolved, rather than been created…

Panos Grigorakakis
Sharing Science


The Creation of Adam / Michelangelo / Wikimedia Commons

A recent poll carried out by Gallop suggests that 40% of U.S. citizens support creationism. Creationism is the religious belief claiming that the universe and life originated ‘from specific acts of divine creation’, as opposed to natural processes.

Unfortunately for creationists, the amount of evidence confirming that humans, and all other organisms, gradually evolved from simpler life forms through the course of hundreds of millions of years leaves no room for doubt:

Evolution is a fact — Creationism is scientifically wrong.

Creationism cannot provide reasonable explanations for several discoveries in geology, biology, and anatomy (to name a few indicative fields). To show the shortcomings of creationism, let’s examine five cases that make little sense if we accept the literal interpretation of the creation myths found in the Bible.

Jurassic Dogs

In the fossil record, all species seem to appear in a given order, revealing a smooth and gradual transition from one life form to another. This observation allows scientists to assume that an animal can never evolve prior to the group that…

