Inanition — A short erotica

E.N. Laurier
A Midsummer Night’s Prompt
10 min readJun 12, 2024

CW: Transformation. Dubcon. Mind Control. Cum Eating


Jacob had never been one for camping. He preferred the comforts of home — a soft bed, a warm shower, and access to WiFi. But after his breakup with Alice, Jacob needed to get away. So here he was, in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but a tent and a bag full of granola bars for company.

It wasn’t so bad, Jacob told himself. The scenery was beautiful, and the solitude gave him plenty of time to think. Plus, it beat sitting around moping about his failed relationship.

Jacob sat by the campfire, nursing a cup of strong coffee. His usually clear blue eyes were red-rimmed and puffy from days of crying, and his skin looked pale and drawn. He ran a hand through his disheveled brown hair, wincing as the beginnings of a headache formed behind his temples.

This was not how Jacob had imagined his life turning out. Just a few weeks ago, he had been engaged to Alice, the woman he thought he would spend the rest of his life with. But then she dropped the bombshell that she was leaving him for someone else — someone younger, more affluent, and more successful than him.

Jacob had tried convincing her to stay and work things out, but it was useless. She had decided, and he could do nothing about it. So here he was, alone in the woods, trying to pick up the pieces of his shattered heart.

As night fell, the forest grew dark and silent around him. The only sound was the crackling of the fire and the occasional hoot of an owl overhead. Jacob lay awake in his tent, staring at the canvas ceiling and thinking about everything he had lost.

Jacob missed Alice’s laughter and how she smelled like vanilla even after a long day at work. He missed how she would curl up next to him at night, her head resting on his chest as they fell asleep together. Most of all, he missed the future they had planned together — the house they would buy, the children they would raise, the golden years they would spend growing old side by side.

It was all gone now, reduced to nothing more than a memory. And as he lay in the darkness, Jacob wondered if he would ever find happiness again.

“Hello?” A voice rang out from the dark woods outside his tent.

Jacob’s heart leaped into his throat. He hadn’t seen another soul since he arrived at the campsite, and the sudden sound of a human voice startled him. He slowly crept out. “Who’s there,” he called out, his voice wavering.

Footsteps approached, and a figure emerged from the trees. It was a young man, maybe early twenties, dressed in hiking gear and carrying a backpack. He had messy blonde hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to bore through Jacob.

“Sorry if I scared you,” the man said, his voice like music. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you like that.”

“Who are you?” Jacob demanded, his voice hoarse from disuse. “What do you want?”

“Larrel. My name is Larrel.”

Jacob’s heart was still pounding in his chest, but he forced himself to take a deep breath and relax. After all, it wasn’t every day that he encountered another person out here in the wilderness.

Larrel smiled at him, and Jacob found himself oddly captivated by the warmth in those green eyes. There was something almost otherworldly about this man, something that drew Jacob in and made him want to know more about him.

“So, what brings you out here?” Jacob asked, gesturing towards the vast expanse of forest surrounding them. “Not many people venture this far off the beaten path.”

“I suppose not,” the man said. Those green eyes seemed to glow in the flashlight illumination. “I like to get away from it all, but it’s a little spooky. Would you mind sharing a campsite tonight?”

Jacob found he didn’t mind at all. This man was so young, probably around Jacob’s age, when he met Alice. Jacob felt a pang of regret as he thought about Alice. He wished he could return and relive those early days with her before things went wrong. But he knew that was impossible, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of envy towards this young man who still had his whole life ahead of him.

Jacob hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, sure,” he said, trying not to sound too eager. “There’s plenty of room over here by the fire.”

The stranger flashed him another one of those dazzling smiles, and Jacob couldn’t help but return it. For the first time since Alice left him, he was beginning to feel hopeful again. This chance encounter may be a blessing in disguise, after all.

“Great!” Larrel clapped his hands together excitedly. Let’s set up camp and get started on dinner. I hope you like fish. I caught a few earlier today.” It was a wonder how, as there was no sign of a fishing pole or gear on him.

Jacob watched as Larrel set down his backpack and unrolled his sleeping bag next to Jacob’s. The man’s movements were graceful and fluid, like a dancer. A life of ballet would suit Larrel better than camping.

“It’ll be the best thing you’ve ever eaten,” Larrel assured him. “You’ll see.”

Jacob grinned. “Fish sounds great,” he said, already feeling better than in days. “I’ll start gathering wood for the fire while you cook, okay?”

They worked together, laughing and joking as they prepared their meal. Before long, spurned by his aching heart, Jacob opened up to Larrel, telling him about his failed relationship and how lost he was without Alice.

Surprisingly, Larrel seemed to understand exactly what he was going through. He spoke of a love long lost and grief like a spike through the chest.

Jacob watched as Larrel expertly prepared the fish over an open fire, seasoning it with herbs and spices that filled the air with a delicious aroma. The sight of food cooking reminded Jacob just how hungry he was, and his stomach growled loudly in protest.

“Sorry about that,” he mumbled, embarrassed. “It’s been a while since I’ve eaten anything decent.” Granola bars could only do so much.

Larrel merely laughed. “Don’t worry about it,” he said, passing Jacob a piece of freshly cooked fish on a stick. “Here, try some. I promise you won’t regret it.”

Jacob took a bite, closing his eyes as the flavors exploded on his tongue. It was, without a doubt, the best meal he had ever tasted, and he could not resist reaching for another piece.

“This is amazing,” he breathed, his voice filled with genuine awe. “Thank you so much for sharing your catch with me.”

“Thank you for accepting it,” Larrel added, seated beside Jacob. This close, lit by firelight, the young man was so beautiful. His skin was so tan, and his eyes were so warm. Jacob was straight, though. He shouldn’t have thought about how plump Larrel’s lips were. But it was inescapable. Once the thought hit him, Jacob could not let it go.

Jacob swallowed hard, suddenly aware of just how attractive Larrel was. His cock twitched in his jeans, and he shifted uncomfortably, hoping Larrel wouldn’t notice.

“So…what brings you out here anyway,” Jacob asked, trying to change the subject. “You don’t seem like the type who enjoys roughing it.”

“Do I not?” Larrel chuckled. “I am quite at home in the forest. Though it does get lonely. There aren’t many campers anymore.”

Jacob nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, I can see why that would be tough,” he said. “I’ve always loved coming out here, but it’s even more special when you have someone to share it with.”

“Especially someone so strong like you,” Larrel commented. “You belong here, don’t you?”

Jacob’s cheeks flushed at the compliment. “Thanks,” he said, ducking his head shyly. “I’ve always loved the outdoors, so I guess you could say I belong here.”

Larrel grinned and leaned closer. “Are you bashful after one compliment? You’re so muscular I thought you’d be used to the admiration.” He smelled like pine needles and cedar, an earthy masculine odor that went straight to Jacob’s cock.

Jacob’s heart raced as Larrel moved closer to him. The man’s words were flirtatious, but something genuine about them made Jacob believe he meant every word. Larrel would never lie to him. His Master was too gracious. Too kind.

Jacob swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. “I… I’m not used to receiving compliments,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “At least, not ones like that.”

“A big, strong man like you deserves credit,” Larrel purred, resting his hand on Jacob’s thigh. “You’re in your prime. I bet you can fuck for hours.”

Jacob’s breath caught as Larrel’s hand brushed against his leg. Heat radiated from the man’s skin, and it sent a jolt of electricity straight to Jacob’s groin.

“I-I don’t know about that,” Jacob stammered, attempting desperately to regain control of his emotions. “But I’d love to find out.”

“Oh? You’d like to forget everything but the feeling of your cock in a warm hole, wouldn’t you?” Larrel’s voice was velvet smooth as his hand crept higher on Jacob’s thigh. “Or do you want to be stretched by a big dick?”

Jacob moaned softly. Something inside him burned. His chest rose rapidly as he panted. The thought of being taken by this mysterious man sent a shock of dizzying euphoria through his mind.

“Both,” Jacob whispered, his voice hoarse with longing. “I want it all.”

“You’re so virile, too. You want to be used for your seed, don’t you?” Larrel’s deft fingers found Jacob’s pants button.

Jacob gasped as Larrel undid his jeans, exposing his erect cock to the cool night air. He was achingly hard, and the anticipation of what was to come was almost too much to bear.

“Yes,” he hissed, bucking his hips involuntarily. “Use me however you want.”

“I will. You are mine now, Jacob. No more city. No more Alice. No more worries.” Larrel gripped Jacob’s length with his beautifully long fingers. “But you must be changed first. Watch.”

Before Jacob’s eyes, his own cock grew.

Suddenly it was no longer a simple rod of flesh but a branching, veiny monstrosity of a horse cock. It swelled under Larrel’s grasp and changed and twisted into a new shape. There was no pain, even as Jacob’s skin stretched and throbbed. There was only that same blazing pleasure like a shot of whiskey in Jacob’s thirsty throat. Dragging the ground, his beautiful cock dripped thick precum. It pulsed with power, quivering with an insatiable need to fuck.

“What have you done to me,” Jacob breathed, his voice trembling with awe.

“You belong to the forest.” Larrel smiled, perfectly white teeth now sharp. His features changed, ears elongating and eyes glowing with emerald fire. The you

Jacob cried out in agony as his body continued to change. Horns burst forth from his skull, sharp and jagged, and his ears became pointed at the tips. He looked down at himself, seeing the muscles rippling beneath his skin, and knew he had been completely transformed into something twistedly inhuman. His skin had become leathery and contoured with a muscle system that made no anatomical sense. Bulges of what looked like subdermal implants rippled as Jacob flexed.

“What am I,” Jacob rasped.

Larrel chuckled, beginning to slowly stroke Jacob’s newly grown cock. “You are made to fuck. Nothing else. You will live forever and fuck whoever you like, as long as they step in the forest.” Each throb from Jacob’s erection made it harder to think.

Jacob moaned, the sensations nearly driving him mad with desire. The worries about his strange new body ebbed away. His memories of Alice became nothing but faded photographs in his mind, leaving only the prickling heat across his flesh.

“Yes,” Jacob growled, his voice deep and guttural. “I’ll fuck anyone who crosses my path.”

“Good. And I am your Master. I am the Master of the forest. I give you this gift.” Larrel’s hand quickened. “Accept your place as my horny servant and cum.”

With those words, Jacob’s climax built within him. It was unlike anything he’d ever experienced — intense and all-consuming, like a wildfire raging out of control.

“Yes,” Jacob cried, arching his back as he spilled his load all over Master’s soft hands.

“Good. Good.” Master’s voice was as quiet and intoxicating as a spring breeze.

As his orgasm subsided, Jacob opened his eyes and looked at his Master. There was no doubt in his mind now — he belonged to this man, body and soul. There was nothing else. He was made for nothing else but mating and obeying.

Master offered a cum covered hand to Jacob. “Eat. From now on, you will only feast on seed.”

Jacob took Master’s wrist without hesitation, bringing his fingers to his mouth and lapping the seed hungrily. It tasted better than anything he’d ever eaten, and he knew he would crave it for the rest of his life.

“Thank you,” Jacob rasped. “For giving me this gift.”

Master tenderly ran his thumb over Jacob’s lips. “Are you still hungry?”

Jacob nodded eagerly, his tongue darting out to catch a stray drop of cum. “I could eat all day,” he murmured, his eyes fixed on the other man’s face.

“Then we shall feed you,” Master replied, leaning in for a kiss.

With a low growl, Jacob pushed Master onto his back. The searing under his skin never abated. It grew like a desperate hunger until it threatened to consume him.

Jacob would gladly let it and die of this feeling.

Panting, Jacob pinned Master onto the grass, his newfound strength making it easy to hold the other man down. But Master didn’t fight it. He simply moaned, laughing musically as he shucked off his trousers.

Jacob suckled at Master’s nipples, biting and nibbling until they were red and swollen, then moved lower, licking and kissing his way down to his cock. It tasted divine, like the last meal of a man on death row.

“Good. Taste it all,” Master commanded.

Obedient, Jacob took the thick shaft into his mouth, relishing the feel of it on his tongue. How had he ever wanted anything else? Seed, hot and as sweet as honey, was all that could sate his hunger. It was his meaning. His purpose.

“Deeper,” Master breathed, gripping Jacob by the horns as he thrust himself further down his throat.

Drooling, Jacob could only moan as his eyes rolled back. The rough treatment intensified the euphoria, his own titanic swelling again.

“There! Right, th-” With a beautiful groan, Master shot down Jacob’s waiting throat.

When he finally came, Jacob greedily swallowed it all, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy.

They lay there for a moment, enjoying the quiet of the afterglow that would light the rest of their immortal lives.

