Praise Amoroua

E.N. Laurier
A Midsummer Night’s Prompt
10 min readJun 23, 2024

CW: Explicit content. DubCon. Transformation. Mind Control.

Deep within the heart of the ancient forest, Tanyth and his party chanced upon a hidden treasure — a secluded hot spring, its existence known only to the whispering trees. The water, clear and inviting, steamed gently as it cascaded down a small waterfall into a shallow pool, a sanctuary guarded by jutting rocks and low-hanging willows.

When he first saw it, Tanyth, the chosen one of the god Myhare, thought the hot spring was like something from the paintings he’d seen in the monastery where he’d grown up. Myhare, the god of justice and virtue, had chosen Tanyth as a boy, bestowing upon him the honor of being the mouthpiece of purity itself.

This divine connection often made Tanyth feel out of place among his ruffian companions.

But, being the only voice of reason among Tanyth’s ruffian companions was quite tiring. After weeks of traveling through the wilderness, the prospect of a relaxing bath was too tempting to resist. The oafs he traveled with weren’t so excited, slinking to nap around the fire.

Stripping off his armor and clothing, Tanyth lowered himself into the water with a contented sigh. The heat enveloped him, soothing away the aches and pains of his journey. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to drift, lost in the peaceful sounds of the forest around him. The hot spring was not just a place of physical rejuvenation for Tanyth, but also a sanctuary where he could escape the chaos of his companions and find solace in the tranquility of nature.

How long had it been since Tanyth had been allowed a bath? Weeks, at least. These short-lived fools, as Tanyth often referred to his companions, lived like animals. They drank deeply of cheap liquor and made crude jokes. Indeed, it was the filth of the short-living that made their thought only of mating and indulgence. Tanyth often found himself at odds with their behavior, feeling a sense of superiority due to his divine connection.

Tanyth groaned. The water truly hit the spot.

The night was quiet, and the full moon lit the hot springs in silver light. Far off, the snores of his adventuring party reached his pointed ears. The hot water was fragrant, smelling of herbs.

Smiling to himself, Tanyth leaned against a smooth rock, allowing the warm water to wash over him. “This is heaven,” he murmured, eyes still closed. “If only every night could be like this.”

His fingers trailed idly through the water, creating ripples that danced in the moonlight. All his worries seemed to melt away in this moment, replaced by a sense of tranquility he hadn’t felt in ages.

But as with all things, even the most serene moments must come to an end, often abruptly and unexpectedly.

Unbeknownst to Tanyth, a new addition to their adventure party, a human named Cottro, was observing him from the trees. He was dressed in the light clothes of a bare-fist fighter, his tunic stretched over his broad chest. Waves of brown hair framed his handsome face. Cottro had joined their party recently, and Tanyth was still getting used to his presence.

He was a new addition to Tanyth’s adventure party. His name was Cottro.

Tanyth’s tranquility was shattered for a moment, replaced by a flash of annoyance. Had the humans not heard of personal space?

“Oh, it’s just you,” Tanyth sneered. “Didn’t think anyone else would be up for a midnight swim.”

“I can’t resist a bit of warm water.” With no shame, Cottro stripped, revealing a toned body from years of training. “It’s a big pool. I won’t bother you, priss.” As he turned. Tanyth caught sight of his cock. It was nearly knee length, with the base decorated with tattooed lines.

“That’s… quite a piece of artwork,” Tanyth remarked, trying to keep his tone light.” What do they mean?” Instantly, he wasn’t to drown himself. How foolish could he be to reveal he was staring at Cottro’s cock.

“They are a devotion to my goddess,” Cottro answered, slipping into the water. “Amoroua. She is the goddess of lust.” He grinned. “I’ve been blessed by her.”

Tanyth raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. “So you’re saying your impressive assets are due to divine intervention?” He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought.

A flare of jealousy was lit in Tanyth’s chest. What had Myhare blessed him with? He was forbidden from indulging in most things due to his doctrine. Sex. Liquor. Richly flavored foods. It was all prohibited. “I must admit, that’s one way to stand out from the crowd.”

Cottro’s proximity made Tanyth feel things he hadn’t experienced in a long time — excitement, anticipation, maybe even desire. It had been centuries since he’d last indulged in carnal pleasures, but something about this human was making him reconsider his abstinence.

Cottro laughed. “Aye. My lady grew my cock as a reward. Among other things.” Even under the water, that tattooed length kept drawing Tanyth’s gaze.

Tanyth cleared his throat, trying to focus on anything other than the enticing sight of Cottro’s erection. “Well, it seems she has excellent taste,” he said, forcing himself to meet Cottro’s eyes instead of staring at his crotch. “But enough about me — what brought you out here in the middle of the night?”

Whether Tanyth genuinely wanted to know more about this fascinating human was debatable. Still, he hoped that changing the subject would help quell his rising arousal whenever he looked at Cottro.

Distraction and prayer were how Tanyth overcame most temptations.

“Did you see the carvings a few meters back,” Cottro asked, nodding in that direction. “They are the same as my tattoo. I think this place is sacred to my goddess.”

Tanyth nodded, recalling the intricate designs etched into the stone near the waterfall. “I did notice those,” he admitted. “They’re quite beautiful, but I didn’t realize they were connected to your patron deity.”

His curiosity piqued, and he decided to venture closer to the carvings, submerging himself up to his neck in the process. The warm water lapped against his skin, sending pleasant shivers down his spine.

They, indeed, did resemble the tattoos on Cottro’s titanic cock. The etchings were carefully down, curling around the stone obelisk like a spiral.

“So, what does Amoroua represent?” Tanyth asked, turning back to face Cottro. “Is she a goddess of love and romance, or something more… carnal?”

Cottro smirked. “Lust. She is the goddess of lust and domination.” Almost casually, he wrapped his hand around his cock and lazily stroked it under the water.

Tanyth flushed as Cottro openly pleasured himself. The audacity! Even the crudest short-lived men were usually a little more composed in public. But…they weren’t in public, were they? The two of them were utterly alone. A prickly thrill crept up Tanyth’s spine.

“I read about this pool once when I was first chosen as my lady’s champion,” Cottro explained. “I couldn’t resist, especially after seeing an uptight elf like yourself slipping into the water.” He winked playfully.

“Well, I can see why you might find me… intriguing,” Tanyth huffed, trying to cover his rising shame and arousal with bravado. “But I’m afraid I’m not interested in becoming one of your conquests.”

Despite his words, however, Tanyth could not look away from Cottro’s stroking hand. There was something hypnotic about the way his muscles moved beneath the surface of the water, rippling like waves as he worked his shaft.

“Not that you aren’t attractive,” Tanyth added hastily. “Under Myhare, I vow to live without hedonism.”

Surprisingly, Cottro just smiled. “That’s fine. We can just enjoy the water.” He rolled his hips into his stroking hand. Under the silvery water, the tattoos seemed to flash like a distant lamp.

Tanyth couldn’t help but admire Cottro’s graceful yet powerful movements — they were mesmerizing. “You know,” he breathed, “If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you.”

“Hm?” Cottro palmed the head of his cock. “I appreciate that,” he murmured.

“We all need someone to confide in sometimes,” Tanyth said softly. “And it seems like you’ve got a lot going on beneath that easygoing exterior.”

He gestured toward Cottro’s cock, which was still hard and leaking precum into the water. “Not everyone can handle such blessings from their gods.”

“I suppose not.”

Gods. Cottro’s length was divine. Elves never had cocks that big. How would something like that feel?

“It’s brilliant, though,” Cottro said, breath hitching as he jerked himself.

“Indeed,” Tanyth murmured, “But I imagine it can be… challenging at times.” He shifted uncomfortably, adjusting his position in the water to try and alleviate the pressure building between his legs. The sight of Cottro touching himself made it difficult to focus on anything else.

“How do you deal with it,” Tanyth asked. “Do you have any techniques or tricks to manage your… condition?”

“I fuck a lot,” Cottro said, “I bring others into the teaching of my goddess.”

The water around Tanyth was so warm it felt almost like a hand around his cock.

“She likes us to grow her clergy,” Cottro continued.

Tanyth couldn’t help but laugh at Cottro’s candid answer. “Well, that certainly sounds like an effective solution,” he said, fighting to keep his voice steady despite his own hardening cock. “But what about when you’re alone? Or when you’re on a mission and can’t indulge yourself?”

The idea of Cottro using his incredible endowment to convert others to his goddess’ cause was amusing and strangely alluring. Tanyth wondered how many people had fallen under the human’s spell and whether he might be next.

Why did part of him feel a thrill of excitement at the thought?

“Your dedication is admirable,” Tanyth said, hoping his growing infatuation wasn’t too noticeable. “I can see why Amoroua chose you as her champion.”

“Hm.” Cottro licked his lips, staring straight at Tanyth’s crotch openly. “I’m glad you like me, Tanyth. I thought you didn’t care for humans.”

“Well, I-”

It was then that Tanyth sensed the magic in the night air. The lingering enchantment was almost undetectable. The steam off the water helped to camouflage the heavy vapors of magic that Tanyth had been saturated in. Thick and sweet, it lingered around Cottro’s hypnotic shaft. This was no ordinary human. Cottro was doing something to Tanyth.

Tanyth’s heart skipped a beat as he realized what was happening. “No,” he whispered, shaking his head. Despite his attempt, his head didn’t clear. In fact, the sorcery pulsed like a heartbeat and grew.

Tanyth moaned, head falling back. “Oh G-gods. You’re… manipulating me somehow. Using magic to make me desire you.” Mayhare, save him.

His resolve weakened further as he met Cottro’s gaze, seeing the raw hunger reflected there. He knew he should resist — that giving in to this temptation would only lead to trouble — but part of him was already succumbing to the lure of the human’s charms.

“Why are you doing this,” Tanyth demanded, his voice thick with desire. “What do you want from me?”

“For the goddess,” Cottro murmured, slowly approaching through the water. “The water is nice, ain’t it? It’s weakening your connection to your god, and you didn’t even notice it.”

Tanyth’s eyes widened in horror as he realized the truth — the hot spring was tainted, its waters sapping his willpower and leaving him vulnerable to Cottro’s advances. “No!” he cried out, struggling to stand up. “This isn’t right! I won’t let you ruin me!”

But it was too late. Tanyth’s limbs were heavy and sluggish, refusing to obey his commands. As Cottro drew closer, Tanyth’s resistance crumbled beneath the weight of the human’s mesmerizing presence.

“Please, “Tanyth begged, his voice trembling with fear and desire.” Don’t do this. I don’t want this.”

“Shut up. You will receive her blessing.” Cottro reached his side. “Look. Your cock is already changing.”

Tanyth looked down and saw that Cottro was right — his member had grown considerably, stretching out until it nearly brushed against his knee. It was just like Cottro’s own. “Impossible,” he breathed, staring at his transformed cock in disbelief. “What have you done to me?”

Magic surged in him, Tanyth’s body attempting to fight against the changes, but they only seemed to accelerate in response. Veins began to bulge along the length of his shaft, and his balls swelled until they were as large as apples.

“Stop!” Tanyth pleaded. “Whatever you’re doing, stop it now!”

Then the tattoos started, appearing and snaking across Tanyth’s cock and hips.

“You’ve been chosen as my partner,” Cottro said, hands wrapping around Tanyth’s newly grown length. “We will convert everyone together.”

Tanyth groaned as Cottro’s hands made contact with his sensitive flesh. It had been years since he’d allowed himself to blasphemy against Myhare. “N-no… I can’t…” he stammered, his resolve faltering under the first time his cock had been touched in too long.

Tanyth’s cock throbbed in Cottro’s grip, demanding release even as his mind screamed in protest. He wanted nothing more than to submit to the human’s touch, to give himself over entirely to the pleasures of the flesh.

“P-please…” Tanyth whimpered, “Just… finish it. Make it stop.”

“Renounce your god. Praise Amoroua.”

Tanyth hesitated momentarily, torn between his loyalty to his deity and the overwhelming urges coursing through his body. But in the end, his baser instincts won out.

“Amoroua,” he whispered, closing his eyes as Cottro’s hands moved faster, milking every last drop of pleasure from his swollen length. “I praise you. I renounce my old god and pledge myself to your service.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, a wave of ecstasy washed over him, more intense than anything he’d ever experienced before. His entire body convulsed with pleasure, and he cried out loud enough to echo throughout the forest.

Tanyth passionately surged to meet Cottro’s lips, his tongue exploring every corner of the human’s mouth. He tasted of beer and sin. “Thank you,” Tanyth breathed, pulling away slightly to look into Cottro’s eyes. “For showing me the truth.”

