5 Easy Steps to Declutter Your Mind

Declutter to achieve more control, sanity, and clarity in your life.

Jessica Bianchi
A Mindful Journey


Girl meditating in pink outfit, in a pink background
Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

The problem with clutter is that, once you are in the middle, you don’t realize it anymore. You carry on ignoring, going around it. You get used to the disorder so much that you become the disorder.

In September, I moved into a 10 squared meter room in a co-living place.

It’s really small. It’s the same size as my previous bedroom and it also has a bathroom in it. If not for the community that comes with it, at the age of 29 I would never choose to live in such little space while paying almost a normal rent.

I had so much stuff that I didn’t know where to put it, so the room got messy in every corner. In the midst of such clutter, I couldn’t think or focus on anything.

My mind was a mess, so was my life.

Then I went away for the Christmas holidays back home for a month.

Once I got back I noticed I was missing one shoe here, one glove there. I couldn’t find the things that I needed because they were hidden in the middle of all the other “useless” stuff.

That’s when I started decluttering. It’s revolutionary.



Jessica Bianchi
A Mindful Journey

A millennial spreading knowledge to make the world a better place. I believe in the power of kindness and love. Based in London, UK.