Te Ata Fisher, A Native American Star

roman mikhail
Historical Snapshots
1 min readAug 12, 2016

Te Ata Fisher broke the mold for what society said she should be. A woman born in the late 19th century, a Native American child of the Chickasaw Nation, in that time the boxes of what she could do with her life were quite small.

But break out of them she did. As a student at the Oklahoma College for Women (now University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma), Te Ata worked as an assistant in the theatre department. It was this position that would set the foundation to her career.

Te Ata became a one woman show, creating performances of Native American songs and stories. She performed locally, then nationally and eventually all around the world. She performed at the first state dinner when FDR became president. And she performed for the King and Queen in England.

Te Ata stood proud of her Native American roots, not just as a Chickasaw, but as a Native American. And with this pride and her ability to perform, she helped educate the world about Native American culture.

Source: https://www.chickasaw.tv/arts/video/te-ata-inspirational-storyteller/document/te-ata-profile

