What a three year old wants for Christmas

Hint: It’s an audience, oh yea, and robots

Christine Barrington
A moment
1 min readDec 9, 2013


“Oliver, what do you want for Christmas?”
“Maybe not anything.”
“Nothing! Are you sure?”
“Hmm. Maybe robot.”
“A robot! Okay. Anything else?”
“Oliver want nose. Two noses. And hair. And dresses. And drawers. And flowers. Whole bunch of flowers. Flowers EVERYWHERE. And belly button.”
“You already have a belly button.”
Pause for an eruption of giggles. “And tummy.”
“How about… some lollies?”
“Yep. And lollies. Ummm. Broccoli lollies. And robots.” A pause. “Maybe not broccoli. Maybe green lollies.”
(Laughter) “Anything else?”
(More laughter) “Anything else?”
“You already said that.”
“Whole. Bunch. Cameras! And robots.”



Christine Barrington
A moment

Just someone trying to balance life, two children, and a novel. And stop her head from falling off. @0noema0