A Mouthful of Truth: An Introduction

Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth
Nov 3, 2020

This publication started like any other. It was an idea. In a digital world, ideas are a dime a dozen. Truth is not so easy to find. I have decided to create a space where the truth has been deciphered through logic and data. I have also decided that here is where I will share my thoughts on life in a world that is becoming increasingly chaotic. I urge you to read it because I have learned that it is easy to feel isolated with so many things going on around us. We need some kind of anchor to keep us from being swept away. Let this be your anchor. Your safe space. Because it will be mine as well.



Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth

I am 30 years old, new to freelancing and going to school for Journalism and Mass Communications