And so. We wait.

Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth
Nov 10, 2020

All major news outlets have called the election for Biden. Today, the President still insists he has won. He insists there was widespread, large scale voter fraud, but provides no proof. His supporters are decrying the nation and spreading the narrative that the election has been wrongfully stolen from them. Meanwhile, in the Senate Republicans have been making serious headway and gaining new seats. This in and of itself points to a Republican base, that may have not voted for the Republican president. The American people are caught in the middle of a partisan war. The press secretary herself, has called this election a fraud, and blamed the Democrats for any chaos that has ensued. There is a constant war cry of hate the other side. Democrats are shaming Republican senators for not ending this debacle. Neither party can resist in fighting for long enough to stop and see what they are doing to this country. And so. We wait. We wait for cooler heads to prevail. We wait for some sense to be made. We hope that maybe the laws and bills set in place for just this instance can be implemented properly. My only call to action is that once this is through that you hold your representatives accountable. Write letters. Gather peacefully. Demand the government that was made for, by, and of us begin to work the way it should. And so. We wait.



Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth

I am 30 years old, new to freelancing and going to school for Journalism and Mass Communications