For the People. By the People. Of the People.

Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth
2 min readNov 4, 2020
The United States of America

It is clear in the media that this election has been close. Very close. Here is why that is a terrifying prospect. Donald Trump, has made many mistakes. That is not to take away from the few good things he has done. But to call him a good leader is an overstatement. He is a CEO and a businessman. Not a politician. He banked on that during his 2016 campaign. The ideal of having someone who might finally work for the people instead of lobbyists was so tempting, it won over his base. Now after watching what happens when you elect a figurehead and not a leader, the race is still too close. What does that say about the state of American politics? We have watched a leader completely decimate his cabinet, fill it with people that stroke his ego, and let our country tear itself apart over masks. At the time of writing this, Biden has 248 electoral votes and Trump has 214. That seems like a wide margin until you realize that most of the margins he has won by are 1 to 2 points. In politics, that is next to nothing. The DNC elected Biden because everyone else was widely too progressive. That is not to say that progress is bad, but when someone has a four year term, doesn’t have the Senate, and cannot do anything without Congress, you cannot get much done. So we must focus on what we can do. This is a warning call. If we the American people want a change, if we want something that is not the lesser of two evils, we must make the politicians work for us. We must get involved. Write your congressmen. It does not matter what affiliation you are, if you do not hold your local politicians accountable, we will not see change. We will continue to see career politicians making no change, save the money in their bank accounts. It is time to make our democracy exactly what is is meant to be. For the people. By the people. Of the people.



Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth

I am 30 years old, new to freelancing and going to school for Journalism and Mass Communications