Let Them Eat Cake

Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth
4 min readOct 23, 2020


Red or Blue?

Red or Blue? At a time where we should be focusing on being connected there is a growing chasm in America. What is it? It is as simple as the person who you choose to vote for. Or as complicated. In the political environment there is plentiful turmoil and finger-pointing abound both at a federal and state level. Unless you have been living media free then you have seen the headlines. The federal government has officially retreated from being proactive against the virus. In the beginning executive orders and quickly signed directives allowed for swift action such as the first travel ban. That was implemented by Trump on January 31,2020 even though the CDC had already given such warnings. Those were issued January 11, 2020 up until January 27,2020. There were no rumblings on the public font until the president initiated the official ban on traveling. This drew sharp criticism from the left and he was accused of xenophobia. Some of the remarks included the House speaker Pelosi saying it was “not this great moment” and when she was questioned on her thoughts on the ban she responded with “lets go into the future.” As well as “What the American people want is a plan to move forward”. It is worth noting Pelosi has been one of Trump’s most outspoken critics since he was elected.

This is a more publicized feud that is culminating in private homes. There are many people who believe the President didn’t act quickly enough, and those who believe his handling has been impeccable. Mostly these beliefs lie along political lines and are causing discourse and now protests in multiple states. As people grow restless and afraid, they react with anger. Trump has been touting his response in his briefings and has now pushed responsibility to individual governors. This happened on April 16, 2020 when he had his conference call with the National Governor’s Association and then stated in his briefing that they were “going to call their own shots”. Since then, the states, while receiving funding from the federal government, have all initiated their own guidelines. The one state where the guidelines seem to have caused the most stir is Michigan. We have seen many protestors crying out that they are being oppressed by such restrictions as banning interstate travel, boating, golfing, and other outdoor activities. There were also protesters there who simply wanted their businesses deemed essential. Almost all of them were Republicans and Libertarians. The media capitalized on this and so the division of red versus blue deepens. Recently more protesters have entered the Michigan Capitol building armed and angry. Amid all of this Republicans call them patriots and good people while the left calls them terrorists and Nazis. More division. A very clear sign of the division has happened now in Maryland. A group of solely Republican delegates and a few reverends have filed a lawsuit against Governor Larry Hogan, who is also a Republican but has enforced restrictions across the state with a $5,000 fine if found in violation of the stay at home order. Their claim is that Hogan has infringed upon their freedom of speech and religion with his order. They believe that churches should be open just like an essential business. This has drawn clear lines in the sand as well as reinforcing the divide between red and blue. Many Republicans are applauding the suit without looking at the merit, and if you try to speak otherwise you are simply a liberal snowflake, or unsympathetic to others. As an independent, I am trying desperately to look at things from a non-biased and unassuming position. The only thing I can find to be clear is that our nation that prides itself and was built in unity is now tearing apart at the seams. I am watching families who are losing everything come together stronger, while others fall apart. I am watching as every single action to defeat this virus is politicized. It begs the question, how united are we really? Other countries have banded together and provided their people with relief for at least three months. Ours provided a 1200-dollar appeasement, and funding to major corporations. In an attempt to save small business, the PPP was created in the CARES Act and subsequently devoured by conglomerates. Once this hit the news a handful returned the loans, but many are still operating on the money and backs of the American people. The government has not regulated the loans or done anything to resolve the issue. However, they remain steadfast in their squabbling over who did more, and who is overstepping governmental reach. It is amusing how protesters who claim they know their rights and have had them infringed upon, forget that this system has not been for, by, and of the people in a long time. I simply am an observer and I see all these things unfolding before me, powerless to stop it alone. This is a call to action. As a citizen of the United States, I implore you to tell your representatives, delegates, and Congressman how unsatisfied you are, in a peaceful way. We must put an end to the division to truly be the United States again.


Trump Administration April 27 2020 Timeline on Coronavirus Actions https://www.donaldjtrump.com/media/timeline-the-trump-administrations-decisive-actions-to-combat-the-coronavirus/

Klar, R. (April 26,2020) Pelosi says Trump’s travel ban wasn’t this great moment. The Hill.


Liptak K., Holmes K., and Nobles R. ( April 16,2020) Trump tells govs “you are calling your own shots” and distributes new guidelines. CNN politics.


Panetta, G ( May 1, 2020) Trump calls protesters who carried guns into the Michigan Capitol ‘very good people’ and says the governor should ‘make a deal’ with them. Business Insider




Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth

I am 30 years old, new to freelancing and going to school for Journalism and Mass Communications