
Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth
Oct 28, 2020
Suicide Prevention

As COVID marches on, so do we. We adapt, we adjust and we just keep moving. Sometimes though, we feel like we cannot take another step. We feel like waking up for one more Zoom call is not worth it. We feel that this dystopian world we live in now is all we will ever know. And we just want it all to stop. If you are still with me at this point. Do something for yourself, and maybe even a family member. Stop and listen. Listen to the tone in their voice. Look at the pain in their eyes. Just take a second from your daily routine, and ask them if they are okay. Ask YOURSELF, are you okay? Listen. And reach out, before its too late.



Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth

I am 30 years old, new to freelancing and going to school for Journalism and Mass Communications