Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth
2 min readJan 29, 2021


Reddit, Wall Street and Why It Matters

For years, there have been murmurs on the internet about the class differences in America. In 2008 with the Occupy Wall Street movement the people were trying to show investors that they were paying attention. It got nowhere. Now, in the digital age, we are seeing exactly what power we actually have. Reddit generally is just a mash-up of different cultures and people coming together to simply co-exist. Wall Street Bets was no different. In going through its history, you can see the nihilistic approach and sometimes the toxicity that comes with a group of online users from all walks of life. However, there is also another thing you can find there. Anger. This is not the run of the mill anger, but the anger that comes with loss and watching Wall Street for years destroy incomes and lord above the “poor”. Many of the users went through the crash in 2008. They watched their families counting pennies. They lived through it. They survived. Of course they are angry. The same people running Wall Street are the ones that are now scared because with collective power we can change the game. In a free market, this is how it is supposed to work. Instead we have billionaire investors short selling failing stocks and gaining billions for it. Now that they have been called out, they want to balk at the ideal of volatility? The same volatility that has put them where they are at? No. We are tired of being priced out of even a small home. We are tired of swimming through debt because we cannot afford to survive. We were drowning and no one threw us a preserver. Do not get mad because we learned how to swim.



Courtney McKean
A Mouthful of Truth

I am 30 years old, new to freelancing and going to school for Journalism and Mass Communications