On Parting

About Suffering Fools

Edward Terry
Poetry Writing


Her satin-toned face belies jilted dreams;
A heart once broken, now just tattered seams
Flutter indifferent in the intentional breeze
Like the last leaf of autumn waiting to fall,
At once simply hoping, then not knowing at all
When change will come and bring her release.

Impresarios, playwrights, actors and more;
These men diligently queue to audition, and then
The unwritten oath is ironically abjured:
“Won’t happen again, promise. One more try?”
A fools gift, that line just seals their demise.
But to be truly happy, how much pain to endure?

Others hide behind jaded curtains of lies,
Souls released in tears that are cried
To dampen the edges of reluctant half-smiles.
For better or worse, seek happiness in truth,
Turn your back on the others who blindly seduce
And bleed you dry of your trust and your guile.

© March 1997. All Rights Reserved.

Originally published at www.hologram.me.uk on August 21, 2014.



Edward Terry
Poetry Writing

Coach & Business Consultant. Writer. @EdwardTerry.