Why I bought cake.af

Daniel Singer
A Musing


true story.

We knew one thing: the name had to be an emoji. It’s 2016! Even with all of the new VR devices, self-driving cars, and reusable rocket boosters, well, we’re still obsessed with emojis.

So, we opened up our emoji keyboards and boom, I saw it, the shortcake emoji. After a few minutes and a quick search on iwantmyname, cake.af was ours.

You might be asking: what’s this absurd website for? Well, I’ll answer that in the most 2016 way I can think of.

“Getting free rides and great food is lit, fam. 🔥

It’s exactly what it sounds like. We’ll send you a text after we find an open table at a great restaurant, send an Uber to pick you up, and the best part:

It’s completely free.

Yes, you still have to pay for the food (silly!).

But choosing the perfect restaurant? We got it.

Haggling with the restaurant for the perfect reservation? Done.

And the entire process of driving to the restaurant, figuring out new neighborhoods, and finding a place to park? Forget about it.

Just bring yourselves and an empty stomach — we’ll do the rest, and you’ll feel like a badass. Like Drake.

*Bentley not included

Restaurants have a problem: Not. Enough. Butts. In. Seats.

The restaurant industry is built on emotion, love, and fierce competition. And no matter how good your restaurant is, owners still struggle with putting butts in seats consistently, especially early in the week when everybody stays home, binges Netflix, and orders Dominos delivery in an attempt to recover from those Monday blues.

If we can help facilitate the putting of butts in seats, restaurants get to keep cooking, and customers get to keep eating. Win-win.

How does this all work?

We listened to Paul Graham and “built something that doesn’t scale.” New users sign up over text (thanks Google Voice!), reservations are made on Opentable, and we just throw the Uber ride on our own accounts for now.

You texting us in about 10 seconds.

We’re just four hands on two keyboards, trying to make the world a little more delicious. Sign up at 574-742-4191 or at cake.af for the easiest and best night of your life. We also make jokes on twitter & snapchat.



We look forward to seeing you soon in your Messenger, Telegram, and DMs.

Daniel is the CEO & Co-Founder of Bond Labs, Inc. Bond connects you with the people you should know and will be introducing you to great people later this year.

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Catch me on Twitter at @danielsing3r or Instagram at @danielsinger.



Daniel Singer
A Musing

X6 Fleet Manager at 🐼 · A nerd who wants to be a rapper 🎙