
A Mysterious , Incredible Journey
3 min readFeb 15, 2020

Zeus is the most famous god in Greek mythology because he is the king of the gods of Mount Olympus. He is the leader of the gods. His most powerful weapon is “Thunderbolt”. Zeus is also called “Jupiter” in Roman mythology.

He is the god who controls the sky and lightning. Why does he control the sky and lightning ? Because he said to Poseidon and Hades, “We will draw straws. If someone draws №1 then he controls the sky, №2 controls the ocean and №3 controls the underworld.” In the end, Zeus drew №1 so he controlled the sky. The three gods were so childish to decide this way. His symbols are “Eagle, Lighting, Oak and Sky”. He was an erotic man so he had many wives and children. In other words, he didn’t focus on his work !!

Next, let me tell his FAMOUS stories !

The first story is about the weapon of Zeus.

In Greek mythology the most powerful weapon is Thunderbolt of Zeus so I am going to introduce its origin.

Once upon a time, Zeus united the other gods against his father (Cronus) and his uncles. Cronus and his brothers were Titans. The hate between them formed a war that is called “Titanomachy” (Titan War). During the Titan war, the universe would be destroyed! They were unwilling to give in to each other so the war lasted...

Until one day, Gaia (grandmother of Zeus) gave Zeus a suggestion if he could rescue her children (the Giants) from Tartarus. When the Giants were free, they would not only help Zeus’ team to fight the Titans but also would make powerful weapons such as Thunderbolt、Trident、Cap of Invisibility.. for Zeus’ team. Zeus agreed with Gaia’s suggestion. Of course, the Giants helped Zeus’ team and Zeus took the powerful weapon “Thunderbolt”. Thunderbolt made Zeus more powerful than before so Zeus and other gods won the “Titan War” !

(p.s. Zeus’ team has these gods : Poseidon ,Hades ,Hera ,Hestia ,Demeter..)

The second story is about one of the love of Zeus.

Zeus falled in love with a goddess “Metis”. Zeus began to pursue Metis but she didn’t like him so she changed herself to become different animals’ appearance in order to escape Zeus. But Zeus’ will and ability were stronger than hers. Eventually she succumbed to Zeus and became his wife.

When Metis was pregnant, she said to Zeus, “Our child will be a girl called Athena. At the same time Metis made her prediction in front of Zeus. “Our next child will be a boy and will overthrow your throne. Like you overthrew your father. Like father, like son.”(p.s. Metis was so clever that she can predict the future.)

Zeus was very scared of the prediction so he swallowed pregnant Metis (poor Metis~). But this action didn’t fail to prevent the birth of Athena. Athena still was born in Zeus’ body! Little Athena was very smart when she was born. She thought “Bad daddy! How dare you swallow my mom !! I will let you undergo pain!!” So Athena went to Zeus’ head and made some trouble. Zeus started to have so severe headache that he yelled. He requested Hephaestus (his son) split his head with an axe. Don’t worry! Splitting a god’s head won’t make the gods die. So Hephaestus split Zeus’ head. Athena jumped out from Zeus’ head wearing armor ~! What a ridiculous story !!~~

