and Love comes to kill

Matthew MacLennan
A Narcissist
Published in
1 min readMay 19, 2022


Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

There’s just too much
Words are too much
It’s too much

I forgot what I’ve been holding on to
But I’m still holding tight
I know there’s a world outside my head
But I’m stuck therein
and rage bellows silently

It’s the wave of shame
crashing its name into my ears
germinating fear
establishing roots
vying to shoot me dead
When I’m already dead.

A thousand times I’ve come to this place with you.
A thousand times we’ve waited
for a voice.
One can’t fabricate a miracle
Can’t warp life’s texture
How wrongly it may drape

And I’ve tried crying myself to sleep
I’ve tried blaming others
I’ve tried everything to hold on
until the next paltry distraction
I want to die, but I don’t want to die.

When I’ve believed a lie for so long
and grown into its crevice
I have become the emptiness that light once reached
and let it live rent-free in my bones

How can I die if I am empty?
How can my bones survive?
What is empty can be filled
And upon filling ceases to live

and love comes to kill.

Maybe that’s how you die without dying



A Narcissist
A Narcissist

Published in A Narcissist

This is my journey away from myself and toward others. I want to stop destroying people’s lives. I want to live my life with others. I want to form real relationships. I want true intimacy. That’s what I want. But it’s not what I look for.

Matthew MacLennan
Matthew MacLennan

Written by Matthew MacLennan

A recovering narcissist. I want to see your eyes and face your questions.

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