Conversations with Alex Vera

Matthew MacLennan
A Narcissist
Published in
11 min readJul 19, 2022


Responding to “How to Self-Adjust without Self-Harm through Creative Impulsivity”

Photo by Darius Soodmand on Unsplash

When am I deluding myself to change according to someone else’s vision and when am I using my own insight from introspection to self-adjust in a healthy way?

This is an incisive question. Changing yourself for someone else’s vision puts the power over your life into their hands. What if you don’t trust them? Using your own introspection to self-adjust in a healthy way seems aligned with “excellence”, but I am not smart enough to have that introspection…I constantly think I am doing just fine — when I am not. The world lets me know.

I find it embarrassing to admit that I get my good standing by “saving narcissistic face”. That’s why I don’t admit it — I find security in the idea that others believe I am attractive and socially smart, even though I’m not…and that I developed those attributes by following the ideas of someone else (my wife). My learned authenticity is learned and it does not feel like myself. I am really a selfish and scattered monster. So, am I authentic? Am I really what I am or am I who I could be?

By changing, I’m molding myself more according to their vision or some other vision, even if it’s my own.



A Narcissist
A Narcissist

Published in A Narcissist

This is my journey away from myself and toward others. I want to stop destroying people’s lives. I want to live my life with others. I want to form real relationships. I want true intimacy. That’s what I want. But it’s not what I look for.

Matthew MacLennan
Matthew MacLennan

Written by Matthew MacLennan

A recovering narcissist. I want to see your eyes and face your questions.

Responses (6)