A Thanksgiving Love Letter to the Makers

Dorothy Jones-Davis
A Nation of Makers
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2020

Dear Makers -

You truly take our breath away. Your beauty and diversity defies arbitrary boundaries of race, gender, ability level, class, age, socioeconomic status and location. What you do when you put your mind to it floors us. Simply put, you are incredible.

Providing thousands of educational kits and supplies to youth and families so they could experience your gifts and talents — so they could experience the feeling of creating, inventing, making during interrupted and distant education?

Awe-inspiring love.

Rebuilding old computers and turning “trash” into treasure for children without devices to address the digital divide?

Generous love.

Distributing more than 47 million units of personal protective equipment and medical supplies produced with love for your communities, in a pandemic with limited to no support?

Self-sacrificing love.

Creating connections woven across the masses — late night phone calls, Facebook groups, and online meetings to gather your loved ones to share best practices and resources, late into the night?

It’s the kind of love that makes a guy rent a truck and drive across the country with a gigantic donated roll of plastic, finding maker communities who need supplies to make life-saving devices.

Incredible love.

Yours is an age-old story, told time and time again. It’s the beauty of humanity. Those that see a problem in their community, and cannot sit by idly without MAKING the solution. And your beauty is reflected all around you, starting a ripple of love-induced helping, fixing, and making that propagates across your communities, large and small. I cannot imagine our lives without you; truly, we are fortunate to have met you.

So on this Thanksgiving, we give you all of our thanks. We know you are likely working away on the next problem, and may not read this letter until later. That’s just who you are, and we love you for it. But we want you to know that we’re here to be your champion and your support whenever you need us. We are so honored to build our community with you, and to share our resources widely. And know we will advocate for you until the very end, because we want to share your incredible beauty and impact with all the world.

Simply put, we love you.

Always yours,

Nation of Makers



Dorothy Jones-Davis
A Nation of Makers

Connector, maker, Ph.D. neuroscientist, wife, & mom. Executive Director, @nationofmakers Opinions my own.