Where to start?

Joseph C Lawrence
A Natural Education
1 min readFeb 24, 2021

So! If I’m decently versed in philosophy, the scientific method, cognitive science and programming, where should I start if I want to end up somewhere down the line contributing to our knowledge about planet earth and its health?

Crash courses…I think. I want to ultimately learn about ecological and earth science systems conceptual modelling, and that all seems reasonably to start with Biology. I don’t want to spend a whole lot of time on this, so quick and frenetic crash courses seem the best place to start.

I have begun with the Biology crash course on the YouTube channel…’CrashCourse’ — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3EED4C1D684D3ADF

The pace is fast, and I’m sure some might find the teaching style not to their tastes, but it is doing the trick for me thus far. I will also probably do the Khan Academy equivalent. Both CrashCourse and Khan Academy then have crash courses in ecology, which I will pair with one or two short introductions to Ecology. I hope for these to provide me with a decent lay of the land, introducing me to basic terminology, and helping me to decide where to direct more focused and in depth learning efforts.



Joseph C Lawrence
A Natural Education

Designer, thinker, design thinker, coder, cognitive science master’s graduate & philosophy evangelist.