Dying Love

A New Hello
Published in
1 min readMar 6, 2020

Poem About Love and Time

Source: Unsplash

We looked from afar and we beheld a blissful bloom
Then came we nigh, and we beheld a love that was full
We believed in love so much, we thought we could ride the moon
Against gravity, even against the Mage’s voodoo

But in a hurry time was, and we didn’t hear the tick tuck of our doom
Things moved so fast, our love flew by like a summer school
Wait! we screamed, shouldn’t there be a chance for what we feel?

Silence and silence and silence,

All we heard were echoes of our painful appeal
Love was soon lost, and all we had left were memories we couldn’t glean

They say make hay while they sun shines
But I’ve learnt to allow love while I’ve still got time



A New Hello

I'm Zion, a tech writer and enthusiast passionate about exploring the intersection of technology and society. Join me on a journey of innovation and discovery!