A background…

A new life in oz
Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2017

So, before we get started we thought that we’d give you a brief history of where we’re at and what we’re doing.

We’re a couple in our late 30s and early 40s with two lovely kids aged 2 and 5, currently living in South East England. Having met in Australia when backpacking 15 years ago we’ve always had a pull back there.

Two years ago we decided to take a gamble and apply for visas to move to Oz on a permanent basis and this blog is going to (hopefully) catalogue our move from living a relatively comfortable life in Home Counties of the UK to uprooting everything we know and love and moving to the other side of the world.

Hopefully it will all go to plan, but there are a number of (very large) hurdles to get over first — from work, to families, schooling and beyond!

