Oprah Does This Success Habit, So Can You!

Hi beautiful,

Have you ever taken a look at another successful woman and thought to yourself, man that could never be me? You think she must have genius level smarts, talent, and a drive far superior to yours.

The successes of women like Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Sheryl Sandberg and others can often make us feel like these high levels of achievement cannot possibly happen to us. That there is a glass ceiling of individual achievement that we are inherently born to accomplish.

Yet we can rise above this limiting thinking once we realize that success is not about who we are as people but in the habits we consistently do in order to set ourselves up.

As Dr. Heidi Halvorson, author of “9 Things Successful People do Differently”, says: “Accomplished people are successful because of what they do, not who they are.”

There is a genius in us all but it is our job to find out what it is. Then, work!

Oprah Winfrey is successful because of what she does, and how she managed her most precious assets — her time and her well-being. She focused on plotting out what she did with every single hour, every single day and this is what led her to become who she is today. (Yes, I have an even bigger mentor crush on Oprah after appearing on her network and speaking to her.)

You too need to ensure that you set yourself up for success in order to inherit access to the benefits that are part and parcel of your success.

What are you willing to do for you and your dreams? What are you willing to do to receive your success?

Success, allows you to live life on your terms and to make decisions that best serve you while developing and utilizing the talents/gifts you have been given.

When you go to bed at night — how do you truly feel? Are you fulfilling your purpose/calling? Are you giving your best at work? Are you showing up with passion and excellence? Are you giving your all? Do you know for sure that you are doing all you can for you and your dreams? If you could change one thing about what you did today what would it be? Do you feel like time is running away from you? That is when our dreams and hopes speak loudest. This is when you listen as this will lead you to a more empowered and elevated life. If we don’t, we cheat ourselves out of the fulfillment/love/happiness in life that we all deserve.

“Unused potential and unused creativity turns into pain”

I’ve learned that in order for our lives to be transformed we need discipline, process, accountability, tools, guidance and encouragement.

What are you doing to plot your habits and track your wins? Inspiration will only take you this far. What action will you take to make this year your best year yet?

Right now is the time to create a year that goes beyond what we imagined!

As you journey to success this year — I invite you to join me in the Success Lounge.

The Success Lounge is a space to explore who you are as you gently grow into the woman you are today and are becoming.

Head over to the Success Lounge — watch the video, introduce yourself and let’s create a bold, brilliant, beautiful life you love!

Your success cheerleader,



Karlyn Percil- Emotions Are Data.
A New Month of Greatness

CEO: KDPM Consulting Group INC. Trainer & Consultant: Diversity, Inclusion & Racial Bias, Wellness Advocate. Creator: #TheWEllBeingPlaybook