Your Journey to Greatness + 10 Leadership Lessons

Hello beautiful warriors,

I hope you’re having a great day! It’s a busy time here at KDPM Consulting headquarters. We have lots of the go, and we’re very excited to share what we’ve been working on in the lab with you. Lately, I’ve trying to inject fun into every single day, although I must admit its been a bit challenging with everything that’s happening in the world. My heart and prayers go out to all victims and families of the United States and Quebec City. When tragedies like this happen in our world, it’s hard to keep going. We need to do everything we can to avoid getting sucked into the lingering negativity as we work to stay positive!

This is a time where you need to know how extremely important it is to take care of yourself. Be sure to check-in with YOU, tune in and see how you’re feeling. A few months back, I posted a self-care video in the SisterTalk Group. I hope you got a chance to see it, if not take a look and watch it now. The video features useful tips from wellness coach Alicia Mathlin on how you can take care of your emotional self.

We don’t always notice how affected we are by what we see and hear and in some cases the results can lead to toxic stress which can have a negative impact on your body. You deserve everything you’ve ever dreamed of and you’re worth it, so keep making time for #1… that’s YOU. Focus on your WHY and what really matters as we continue this new year strong.

You were meant to live to your fullest potential and I’m here to support you along the way. We have so many exciting goodies coming your way, including more chances to win great prizes through our social media contests, access to life-transforming freebies and more ways that you can confidently create a life you love!

Last year, I had the pleasure of meeting one of my virtual mentors at his Personal Mastery Live event in Toronto. I was so lucky and fortunate to spend two days working with the legendary Robin Sharma himself. I was blown away! I hugged him, I screamed (his team now knows my name LOL), shook his hand and told him how much I love his work. It was truly one of the best moments of my entire life.

I follow thought leaders for a reason. Because I want to lead, not live, but LEAD (Live & Engage — Authentically, Daily). I want to feel life — to lead a life of wonderment, joy and most important to do world-class work. Ultimately I want to make this world a better place, much better than the way I found it.

The truth is, I want to die empty.

“Leadership is less about the position you hold than the influence you have. It’s about doing world-class work, playing at your peak, and leaving people better than you found them. It’s about Leading Without a Title.” ~ Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma’s work has inspired and motivated me to do better than my best, to unleash my inner genius and to do world-class work. Through his wisdom, I am learning to be more passionate and to find beauty in everything: from what I eat, to where I spend my time and what I work on. His guidance has inspired me to be more authentic — to truly make the most of this life and add more value to this world.

I’ve come up with a list of 10 life lessons that I’ve learned on my journey to do great things. I hope that this list inspires you to do great things and live more authentically and passionately too.

1. Enjoy every single bit of life. Take risks and be intentional with everything you do.

Drink good wine, eat good food and spend time in beautiful spaces that inspire you. Life is too short to do anything else. Robin lives by this one and my husband and I are finding it more important too. When we dine out we choose places with great food, great wine and amazing staff energy. We want to send a special thanks to our server Kiri, chefs Dave & Nick and sous-chefs: Murphy & Johnny at Campagnolo (one of our favourite Italian restaurants in Toronto) for always providing great food and service for us.)

“You are born into genius. But have you resigned yourself to mediocrity?” ~ Robin Sharma

2. Greatness is attainable — so strive for it. We all have genius within us.

I’ve learned that greatness, genius, extraordinary excellence (like the work of Michelangelo, Michael Jordan or Steve Jobs) … that level of greatness is attainable. I can do Picasso-like work and so can you — the truth is we all can achieve greatness. I might not ever be a Michelangelo but I can be the best Karlyn Percil & create the Sistine chapel of my world. Hence the reason why I work on my craft daily.

“Be the Mick Jagger of the mailroom, the Warren Buffet of bookkeeping and the Bono of stapler selling.” ~ Robin Sharma

3. You can lead without a title. Titles does not equal to greatness, vision, creativity or innovation.

You can do your best work and be the best in your field, even if your title doesn’t say CEO, VP, SVP etc. I’ve learned that leadership begins within — with a commitment to do your absolute best work and to inspire others to do the same. Self-awareness is a game changer so learn as much about you as you can: every. single. day!

Leadership begins and ends with 3 words: Absolute, personal, and responsibility.” ~ Robin Sharma

4. Pay attention to the little details and do one thing a day that will lead you to your end result.

Small daily wins leads to epic results. Choose to do one thing every day that gets you closer to your dreams.

Small little details done excellently and consistently stack up into something the world sees as Mastery.” ~ Robin Sharma

5. Spend time in nature. Watch the sunset and the sunrise. Protect your energy.

Get fit like Madonna, go outside, ground yourself and recharge your energy in the sun. Focus on what matters to you the most. Energy matters — if something drains you — walk away.

“Give no energy to critics. Spend time in the mountains. Know your top five values.” ~ Robin Sharma

6. Celebrate the small wins along the way.

Note your achievements and enjoy the journey. Create daily/weekly/monthly check-ins on your accomplishments. Be constantly aware of your big vision and what you can improve on during your journey to greatness.

“Understand that when you play small with your success, you betray your potential.” ~ Robin Sharma

7. To never stop learning. Challenges are a gift.

Life is a classroom — stay open & learn from the greats, learn from every experience, every encounter, every single word and every day. This is how you will discover your best life. Success leaves clues.

“The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily. Investing in your self-development is the best investment you will ever make. Model Mandela and you’ll find at the end of your life you lived an awesome one.” ~ Robin Sharma

8. Solitude is a gift. Spend time with yourself and focus on that one thing — the game changer.

This is what makes you stand way above the rest. Discipline is freedom and being disciplined with focused time & solitude fuels innovation & creativity. Solitude allows your to do your best work so spend some time with #1… that’s YOU!

“To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few people are willing to do.” ~ Robin Sharma

9. Wake up with the roosters (the 5 a.m. hustle) — this is where you will do your best work.

If you add more hours to your day you will have a stronger mental focus and ultimately more clarity. This is when you clear the path to the best communication with your soul. Use it to Journal. Exercise. Write in your gratitude journal. Learn. We do our best work during these sacred hours. Some of my most productive, enjoyable days started when I joined the 5 a.m. hustle club.

“The way you start your day, drives how beautifully you live it.” ~ Robin Sharma

10. Most importantly: Believe in yourself.

This personal mastery is the ultimate key to success. Do world class work, leave behind a legacy you will be proud of and create a life you really love. Mental mastery is crucial, it will help you believe in yourself and who you really are. When you master noticing your thoughts and choosing the ones that serve you most, your life will forever change for the better. Practice daily affirmations and choose a daily ritual that you love. Make sure everything you think and do supports the legacy you want to leave behind.

Self-belief is so incredibly important. Because if you don’t believe you can achieve a vision/goal, then you won’t even start to do the work needed to achieve that vision/goal.” ~ Robin Sharma

I‘m so thankful for Robin Sharma’s world-class work, wisdom and teachings. I hope these lessons help you on your path to do legendary work as well. I know that when I leave this earth I will be leaving something that is far greater than my mere existence. I hope that I can help you do the same beautiful warriors.

“Genius is not the result of innate ability but deliberate practice and the relentless pursuit of mastery.” ~ Robin Sharma

I am inspired by you and would love to hear how you are creating a life you really love on your own journey to greatness. Please take a minute to reply back, or Tweet this:

RT Who inspires u the most? What lessons have u learned from your own virtual or actual mentors? @robinsharma @karlynpercil @sistertalkgroup

Your words might be the inspiration someone else needs on their journey to greatness.

Continue to let your inner greatness shine and have the courage to show up, do great work, love more, play bigger and be the best you.

With love, your success cheerleader,




Karlyn Percil- Emotions Are Data.
A New Month of Greatness

CEO: KDPM Consulting Group INC. Trainer & Consultant: Diversity, Inclusion & Racial Bias, Wellness Advocate. Creator: #TheWEllBeingPlaybook