Historical Optimization

Anna Klawitter
A not so boring SEO course
1 min readJan 13, 2020


Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

A few key changes to blog posts you’ve already written can dramatically change your search engine results. *Historical optimization works best for blogs and sites that have already been around for at least 2 years. This should only be a piece of your strategy.

But, if you’re willing to put in a little extra time (after you’ve been working on other SEO optimization) than you’ll be able to generate a significant amount of more organic traffic.

Optimizing old blog posts so that they’re fresh and up to date.

Page one of Google gets - 71%

Page two or three gets -5.59%

Why does updating and republishing old blog content help SEO?

  1. Google rewards new and fresh. So do humans. Think about it…we’re attracted to shiny things. We like those big red signs that say NEW! So does Google ;)
  2. You’re building off the existing authority that post already has. Say your post is ranking on page 2 of Google. That new and improved version may be just enough to boost it to page one.
  3. The surge of new visits will naturally link to new shares and new inbound links

