Learn Email Marketing in 7 Days

Anna Klawitter
A not so boring SEO course
3 min readJan 26, 2020


Email marketing isn’t dead, far from it. In fact, email marketing has an average return of $38 for every $1 spent — which alone should show you how beneficial email can be.

So, here’s a quick course to learn the ins and outs of Mailchimp (a popular email marketing campaign tool) in 7 days.

To begin Mailchimp is going to have you put in your email and begin an account, then it will send you an email to confirm everything. Then you’ll have the choice to decide which plan you want.

The beginning of filling out your account information is very straightforward, just choose the options that work best for your situation.

Once you are done with all that, you will continue the onboarding process by designing your first email.

As you can see it’s pretty easy to build something with blocks that you can drop into place and change to whatever you need it to say.

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