Write for A Nucleus

A quick guide on what we look for in submissions.

A Nucleus Editors
A Nucleus
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2020


Hello! Welcome to A Nucleus! We love stories, and we’d love to feature your story in our publication. Don’t worry, we don’t care if this is your first story or your 40th, we treat them all equally! Here’s a guide on how to submit your story to us.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that all submissions are subject to our editors, and just because your story matches all the guidelines below doesn’t guarantee that we will feature it in our publication.

Story Guidelines

Things we like to see:

  • Clear, focused writing
  • Stories about technology, design, or programming
  • Stories presenting your view or opinion on a topic

Things we don’t like to see:

  • Content that you don’t have permission to use
  • Vulgarity or offensive content
  • Stories without a clear purpose, or that wander from one topic to another

And that’s just about it! Make sure your story meets our criteria above and then you can submit it to us!

Our Editing Process

We will very lightly edit your story once you submit it to us, but the furthest our edits will go are to add a header image and a subtitle (if your article doesn’t have one or both,) or fix any grammatical errors in your story. We leave your writing as it is so that we don’t change the meaning of your story.

Submitting Your Story

To submit your story, email a link to your published story or draft to NucleusPublicationEditors@gmail.com. If we like your story and it meets our guidelines above, we’ll send you a reply detailing how to publish your article with us!



A Nucleus Editors
A Nucleus
Editor for

The team of editors behind the Medium publication A Nucleus.