10 Questions Every Single Parent Must Ask a New Partner

While it’s normal to seek solace, companionship and a sexual relationship after a breakup, it’s crucial to take it slow so you can assess whether this relationship is casual or might be permanent.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: iStockPhoto

By Terry Gaspard

Dating after divorce can be exciting, but when you have children it’s a risky proposition. Over and over again, I see single mom and single dad clients leap headlong into a new relationship — even move in with someone — only to face a disastrous breakup a short while afterward.

While it’s normal to seek solace, companionship and a sexual relationship after a breakup, it’s crucial to take it slow so you can assess whether this relationship is casual or might be permanent. Ask yourself, “Is my new love interest a good fit for my family?” After all, you might have great chemistry with someone, but they might not be best suited to become part of your family.

Here are 10 questions every single parent must ask a new partner before diving in head-first.

  1. How long was your longest committed relationship and how many times have you been married?
  2. Why did your marriage (or last committed…



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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