5 Signs You’re Going to Be a Great Dad

If you have these, you’re pretty much set.

Nate Sanna
A Parent Is Born


Photo by Author

Having a kid is a huge responsibility.

As a dad, your job is to love, provide and care for them. Protect them from the nasty world outside. And be an unbreakable rock as they take on the challenges of their new life.

No biggie.

Early last year, as I sat in the delivery room, holding my daughter for the first time, I had a rush of panic.

Am I ready to be a dad? If I still feel like a kid myself sometimes, how am I supposed to raise one? I guess most fathers feel like that to an extent. What makes a good dad and how do you become one?

Well, I’ve been a dad for almost a year now, and I’ve had some time to think and reflect. I’ve read countless books on parenting and studied article after article. But most of all, I’ve reflected on my own childhood and broken down how I feel my own dad perfectly parented me into the person I’ve become.

Parenting can be subjective. But bringing everything together, here are some universal signs you’re on the right track to being a great dad.

1. You have the humility to be curious



Nate Sanna
A Parent Is Born

I write about tech, love, life and whatever else I'm learning