5 Ways to Raise an Awesome Son If You’re a Single Mom (with No Regrets)

Making the adventure more enjoyable…for both of you.

Jeanne Yacoubou, MS
A Parent Is Born


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As my second child turns 18 this month, I can’t help reflecting on how much he’s grown over the years. Or the many obstacles we have overcome.

Gazing at the young man before me, I am proud. Despite all the challenges and strikes against him, he’s on his way.

Most years, it wasn’t easy. I have to wonder, How did it work out so well despite my many — admittedly — parenting mistakes and personal weaknesses?

For single moms in the same predicament as me, I have some encouraging words for you: There is, most definitely, light at the end of the tunnel — even if you seem to have days on end of not seeing even a tiny glimmer of it.

Here are some tips on raising a mature, resilient, confident, strong, brave, happy, smart, friendly, healthy, and kind young man. These are all characteristics of my son — many people tell me so; it’s just not mommy bias speaking here — and they can be your son’s, too.

A single mom’s many roles

Being a mom involves the usual — all of which you know well: chef, dishwasher, breast feeder, diaper changer, grape cutter, ball chaser, sandwich slicer…



Jeanne Yacoubou, MS
A Parent Is Born

3x Top Writer | Climate mom | Environmental writer | Sustainability researcher