7 Tips To Make Long-Distance Parenting Work After Divorce

It’s important to assure your kids that your new partner will not replace their other parent or change your relationship with them.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Terry Gaspard

Recently, I’ve had several dads write to me about their challenges related to creating a close bond with their children from a distance. These parents didn’t move away to escape their responsibility as parents and they clearly want to stay connected to their kids.

One Father wrote: “Can I have a good father-daughter relationship from a 200-mile distance?” Another dad asked: “Is it possible to create a close bond with my son from a distance?” Inherent in both of these parent’s questions is the desire to maintain a loving connection with their children.

It’s never easy for children to be separated from their parents, whether it’s because of a brief business trip or a move across the country due to a job or personal reason. However, after divorce the stakes get higher because children of divorce often feel the sting of rejection after one of their parents moves out.

It’s also normal for children and young adults whose parents never marry to experience feelings of loss and rejection when one of their parents moves…



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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