8 Songs I Want My Daughters to Hear

Because sometimes I just don’t have the words.

Father of Five
A Parent Is Born


I’m sure we all want our children to grow up inspired and following their own path to happiness, but we just don’t have the words to light their spark. We can’t all be Maya Angelou or William Shakespeare.

For me, I turn to music a lot to help with my life, and I’ve got a playlist all ready with inspiring songs for teens, ready for the moment when my daughters need a little life lift.

Follow Your Arrow — Kacey Musgraves

Make lots of noise (hey)
And kiss lots of boys (yeah)
Or kiss lots of girls
If that’s something you’re into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up the joint
Or don’t
Just follow your arrow
Wherever it points

Lose Yourself — Eminem

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime



Father of Five
A Parent Is Born

Being a father of five girls definitely does not qualify me as an expert in parenting!