A Good Diet Is Necessary for a Better Brain Performance

Drashti Bhatt
A Parent Is Born
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2022

“Just imagine, how much easier our lives would be if we were born with a ‘user guide or owner’s manual’ which could tell us what to eat and how to live healthily.”
Erika M. Szabo

Proper nutrition through food plays a huge role in the better health of the brain throughout life. Food intake under 2 years of age is severely affecting the brain, mental, and cognitive development. If the child is malnutrition till the age of two, slow mental & cognitive development has been observed. Lack of micronutrients before the age of two years is resulting in lower cognitive development which also affects learning during school years.

In the world, 25% of the population suffers from anemia due to iron deficiency. In below 2 years old kids, iron deficiency develops less short & long-term cognitive development which affects lower study performance during their school life. (Ref.) Children with iron deficiency are generally observed with lower IQ levels.

Thiamine also has an essential role in brain development. Thiamine mainly plays role in kids’ behavior during their adolescence period. Thiamine deficiency is resulting in aggressive behavior, but by providing a thiamine supplement that behavior can be controlled also. (Ref.)

Different research from different parts of the world concluded that the following 7 guidelines for food & nutrition intake can prevent Alzheimer’s disease (Ref.):

· Decrease the use of saturated & trans fats. To minimize its use, try to minimize the use of dairy products, meats, coconut & palm oils, pastries & fried foods.

· Increase the use of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains to replace the use of meats and dairy products.

· Another important nutrient is vitamin E. Try to get vitamin E from your regular food rather than from supplements. Seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains are the best resources of vitamin E. 15mg/day of vitamin E is recommended by nutritional experts.

· Vitamin B12 is also important for better brain function. 2.4mg/day of vitamin B12 is recommended for an adult in a daily diet. Fortified foods & supplements are the main sources of vitamin B12.

· Without a doctor’s prescription, try to avoid copper and iron consumption as a part of multiple vitamin supplements.

· Try to avoid the consumption of aluminum with food during the cooking process. Try to avoid the use of aluminum cookware, antacids, baking powder & other products that contain aluminum.

· Aerobic exercises, walking, and other light exercises are beneficial for a healthy brain.

Another important food element for proper brain function is Sugar. There is no sugar reservoir in brain cells. As a sugar source brain is dependent on the sugar content of the blood. For proper brain function, a normal blood sugar level is very important. Very low and too high blood sugar level changes brain function and shows different symptoms. Very low blood sugar levels can cause irritation, hunger, shaky feeling, trouble in concentration, anxiety, dizziness, and elevated heart rates. Too high blood sugar levels can cause a headache, trouble in concentration, blurred vision & fatigue. So, a normal blood sugar level is necessary for better performance of the brain.

Morning breakfast containing slow carbohydrates can be a big help in maintaining normal blood sugar levels throughout the day. It is scientifically proven that performance of kids eating daily breakfast in the morning before school is better than those who are not eating breakfast. Working memory performance is better in kids who ate their breakfast. (Ref.)

Eating carbohydrates & protein releases neurotransmitters in the brain which affect short-term learning.

Let’s understand this process shortly, the food with carbohydrates can increase the level of tryptophan more than other amino acids in the blood. This tryptophan increases serotonin levels. Similarly, high-protein food contains tyrosine which converts as I-dopa in the brain. This I-dopa is converted to dopamine & subsequently norepinephrine and epinephrine.

All these chemicals are responsible for controlled communication between neurons and can regulate mood, arousal, and motivation. So, proper food intake affects academic performance directly.

Last is the effect of toxic materials like alcohol, caffeine, energy drink, etc. on brain functions. In adults, alcohol has a detrimental effect on the brain. Shrinking of the brain is directly proportional to alcohol consumption. More alcohol consumption, faster the aging of the brain. Because of more alcohol consumption shrinkage of the frontal lobe of the brain happens which is resulting in less cognitive function of the brain. (Ref.) Young people drink a lot of energy drinks which harms their brain. More consumption of energy drinks can create epilepsy in young people.


From childhood develop habits to eat nutritional food & live healthily for better brain development. Try to avoid consumption of junk foods, alcohol & energy drinks to avoid deterioration of the brain & its functions. Eat foods that include all nutrients, micronutrients, minerals & vitamins for better brain functions during your whole life.



Drashti Bhatt
A Parent Is Born

By learning on the topics of mental & physical wellbeing, spirituality, parenting, & pregnancy I revolutionised my life and would like to share that knowledge.