A letter to my unborn daughter

Sam Mutisya
A Parent Is Born
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2020

My beloved daughter, it is 13th July 2018 at 5.27 am hardly the time for me to be typing away on my old rickety laptop, usually, this time I am up and about preparing to go to work but today I choose to speak to you. I am at peace, I have already prayed for you, I am so perplexed because the doctor told us you are a big baby, 3.9 kgs is a bit on the higher side. I hope God gives grace to your beautiful mother to deliver you. All will be well.

Two years ago, I met a beautiful lady- your mother, a lady with a peal of distinctive laughter, an enchanting voice and above all so charming because she admired my confidence. From the moment I set eyes on her -as she walked to the washrooms in a dingy low-end restaurant, I knew I would improve my game in chivalry to win her over. I would like to say she looked worth every chase. I aspired to make her your mother or rather the mother of my kids. I hope when you grow up you will attract a man who aspires to treat you equally as good or even better but above all a man with a closer walk with God. My desire for you much more, above love, in this material world, is the simplest of life enshrined in the love of Jesus Christ. We have 70 or plus years on life, very enthralling, the years pass by like a rollercoaster ride, but the most important question is, “where will we spend our eternity?”.

Yesterday evening, you kicked about in the womb, you are such a playful kid, from the moment we had the first scan with our doctor to all the subsequent visits and in the spellbound silent evenings. I hope when you come out you won’t lose it, this world is cruel and unfair and it may steal your joy from time to time, but never let it have its way.

Parenting is not easy we have been trying to figure out everything, especially how to accept the pregnancy. That was the hardest yet the happiest, a time of mixed emotions. Sad because we did not anticipate you so soon yet content because there is no right timing to the best moments in life.

One year ago, I promised my unconditional love and commitment to the lady I loved, it was a fairy tale moment. I did it at Villa Rosa Kempinski, a high-end five-star restaurant in Nairobi. She was blissful, she loved and cherished every moment, we owe a lot to our love and commitment. It was not to make up for the first date but because we both deserved each other, no matter the location.

Sometimes, later on, I proposed to her in Moven Pick hotel, another high-end exquisite rotating restaurant in Nairobi, accompanied by her group of friends. Friendships are timeless, you appreciate them in your downcast and enviable moments. It was wonderful, the lady who had first become my friend, accepted to marry me, again she cried, uncontrollably, that cheeky smile on my face was still there. I couldn’t wipe it off. I was glad that she was pleased, sometimes tears mean joy, is not always about melancholy.

It is 5:50 am, my whipped cream sugarless coffee is over, and I have to go for work. I am also getting teary as I write this, it is an emotional roller coaster. Your mum is steadfast asleep, you need to rest because you are coming to the world soon.

Lastly, my lovely daughter as you come to the world I am very afraid that the attention of your generation will be competing with that of goldfish — 9 seconds.

Here are 11 lessons I wish I could have told my younger self, take them along in this life journey:

1. Be gentle and peaceful in this world.

2. Be on good terms with all persons (Treat each and every man with fairness and equity).

3. Hold true unto your convictions and never waiver in the midst of coercion.

4. Do not strive to be popular and likable, the genuine ones will love your gloomy and oblivious type.

5. Never compare yourself with others. After all, the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

6. Pursue your dreams, however weird, they are the door to your cherished achievements.

7. Be nice to people, but never allow them to take advantage of you.

8. Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

9. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart’s desire.

10. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

11. Come to terms with God and be at peace; in this way good will come to you.

I’d love to tell my younger self that sitting here today, I have enjoyed life and I don’t have any regrets. I would be lying. However, one thing has stood out for me, I have always remained an optimist even at my lowest ebb.

