At 2 a.m., a mother’s WeChat post made tens of thousands of people burst into tears: When couples quarrel, the most hurtful person is not the child.

A Parent Is Born
Published in
8 min readFeb 17, 2024
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Becoming a mother is a rebirth with no way out.

At this moment, it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.
Just a few hours ago, my husband, the father of my children, had a big argument with me and loudly said “You are sick” and walked out of the door.

At that moment, looking at my husband slamming the door tightly, and looking at my son who was so frightened that he was crying because his parents were quarreling, I could no longer hold back my tears and burst out.

But I didn’t even dare to cry loudly because my child was staring at me while crying.

Grief, heartache, self-blame… all came at me.

I gently picked up the child and forced myself to say to him in the gentlest tone and the most restrained voice:
“Baby, be good, mommy is here!”
“I’m sorry, mommy scared the baby!”
“Mom and dad didn’t quarrel. The baby is not afraid. Mom is always with you!”
“Baby, you are the best. Mommy will tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a little white rabbit in the forest…”
While telling stories to the child and holding him to sleep, tears flowed silently.

Now that I have experienced it myself, I understand the sadness and pain involved:
“When a couple quarrels, who is the most miserable?
Is it a child?
No, actually the most pitiful person is my mother.
When a child is injured, his mother comes to comfort him, but when his mother is injured, no one cares.

After a quarrel, Dad can turn away and go out to drink to drown his sorrows.
But mom can’t leave because she still has a child!
She had to smile, endure humiliation, and take care of her young children.
It is precisely because she has responsibilities in her heart and has children that when everyone else can turn around, only her mother will bear it. “

The only person in this world who has no way out is my mother.

A few days ago, my cousin’s sister-in-law had a fight with her cousin. They fought hard and the furniture fell all over the floor.

During the days when the couple were having a cold war, my cousin stayed at a colleague’s house and didn’t go home for several days.

My cousin-in-law couldn’t help but call her parents’ home to complain.
My cousin’s mother couldn’t bear the thought of her daughter abusing her, so she asked her to buy a ticket to go back to her parents’ home to relax.

I also advised my cousin-in-law that if she is really unhappy, she should go back to her parents’ house to live for a while, and her grandma can take care of the child.

However, the cousin-in-law, who seemed very excited, did not choose to return to her parents’ home in the end.

Because I couldn’t bear to be separated from my daughter who was still in kindergarten, and I didn’t want to take my child on a long journey.

I had no choice but to secretly endure my grievances and digest them silently.

Some people say that mother is a role with no retreat.
When everyone can hide and shrink, only mother is facing the difficulties.
But who knows, it’s not that the mother has no way out, she just values her children more important than herself.

Someone once conducted a street interview:
“If you get divorced, do you want the kids or the house?”

Among the people interviewed, a large number of men chose to divorce to get a house and a car, while all the women chose to have children of their own.

What impressed me most was that one mother said:
“No matter how expensive the house is, it’s not as important as the children. Children are priceless. Without children, what’s the point of living in a big house?”

People who have never been a mother will never know how selfless and great a woman can be after having a child.

If someone had asked me before: “What is your greatest wish?”
I would definitely tell him without hesitation: “Get rich, get beautiful, get skinny!”

But if someone asks me the same question now, I will definitely tell him:
“I just hope that my child will be healthy, safe, and happy for a lifetime, even if it costs me everything.”

Everyone can live for themselves and choose the life they want,
Only my mother can’t live completely for herself, because she already has a care in her heart that she can’t let go.
That was her favorite child.

A passerby accidentally shot a video in the hospital. When I saw it, I felt sad for a long time.

In the emergency room in the middle of the night, a young mother brought her child to see a doctor.

She was waiting for the doctor alone with her child in her arms. On her feet were two completely different slippers.

In the comment area, countless mothers felt the same way:
“I don’t even know if I’m wearing the wrong clothes, because my mind is all on the child. Is the illness serious? I need to go to the hospital quickly. What else should I bring to the child?
Water bottle, wallet, medical card, diapers, have you brought them all?
Instead of bringing some snacks, what else do you need to bring? The baby is good, the baby is not crying, the mother is here…
This is what mothers think when they go out. “

I think the mother in the video must have been very anxious at the time!
The child suddenly fell ill and felt uncomfortable, but there was no one around to help him. He had to do his best to prepare the baby’s necessities alone.

I hurriedly took my baby to the hospital for emergency treatment, so when I went out, I didn’t even notice that I was wearing the wrong slippers.
Because from the moment the baby became ill, her heart was focused on the baby and she could no longer care about anything else.

Can’t help but think of the mother in another video:
There was obviously a quarrel a second ago, but when the child called for mother, she could quickly appear in front of the child, make faces at the child easily, and make the child happy.

And he spread his snow-white warm wings, hugged the child tightly, and told the child:
“Don’t be afraid, mom is here!”
However, when she closed her wings, she realized that her wings were already scarred.

When a woman becomes a mother, no matter whether she is happy or sad, bitter or tired, she is reluctant to show even one point in front of her children.

Even if her heart has long since collapsed, she will force herself to heal and reassure her children with the warmest smile.
Because children are a mother’s biggest weakness.

No matter how much grief and despair the mother has experienced, she will always be the superwoman who stands in front of her children and bravely protects them.

“Once a girl is given the title of mother, it is irreversible. If a girl is given the title of wife or husband, as long as she is single again, it will be fine.
But as long as a girl gives birth to a child, she will always be a mother. Of course, many girls will be proud of it, but I believe they will always miss the time when they are not mothers. “

Although my mother has been learning to be an omnipotent superman, she is actually just an ordinary person with flesh and blood, who will be tired, in pain, sad and desperate.

They jump from the role of being loved to the role of giving love desperately, and they will occasionally miss the days when they were held in the palm of their hands and loved.
Therefore, the woman called “mom” is the one who should be loved well.

a story:
When the subway arrived, a family of three got on the subway.
At this time, there was only one empty seat. When the little boy saw it, he ran over and said to the door of the car:
“Mom, come here quickly, there’s a seat here!”
Immediately afterwards, a pair of young parents came up. The mother was smiling and holding her father on her arm. She whispered to the child:
“There’s only one seat, you just sit down, your dad and I will stand.”
The little boy said: “I’m a boy, so I don’t need to sit. Mom, you can sit down.”

After the child’s repeated begging, the mother finally sat down.
The father on the side rubbed his son’s little head and rewarded him with a smile.

Later, my father wanted to get off the subway early. Before getting off the train, he pretended to be threatening and said to his son:
“You must take good care of my wife. You are not allowed to cry, make trouble, or mess with her. She is my wife, understand? I will make money for you!”

The little boy promised like an adult, and everyone in the car laughed.
This family is so happy, but the happiest one is the woman who is still loved as a treasure even after becoming a mother.
“My mother was once a little girl, who was afraid of the dark and bugs and shed tears. She was clumsy and did many things for the first time, but she was able to be as strong as a superman for her children.
There is no superman in this world, there are just mothers who give everything for their children. “

Dear fathers, if you can, please don’t forget that the woman beside you who is called “child’s mother”,

She was once a girl who wanted to be loved, was afraid of the dark, and would be sad and cry when encountering difficulties. It was time and love that made her great.

I hope you can give her a little more tolerance and consideration, and reach out to hold her when she needs a hug.
I hope you can lower your heads first and say soft words to her after quarreling.

Instead of leaving her to face the darkness alone, she had to try her best to pretend to be happy and smile at the child.
Click “Looking” and hope that the tenderness in this world can be given to my mother.

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A Parent Is Born

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