Attempting to Homeschool a 3-year Old. Part I

Finding community.

Estella Writes
A Parent Is Born


I am attempting to homeschool a 3 year old. Not just any 3 year old my very strong-willed 3 year old, I think I know better than you, 3 year old. Over the last few weeks I have had a crash course in homeschooling preschoolers and figuring out what direction to go in with my little one. I know I want to do a mixture of unschooling and unit study, but for right now we are just doing the basics. Coloring, Playdoh, painting and a little bit of drawing lines on a workbook. Lots of dolls and free-play! I notice some moms and anti-tv, however, I use shows that I mentioned in a previous article to assist in reinforcing lessons I am trying to get her to learn.

Recently we have added a soccer membership, part time Montessori school and swimming into her schedule, all in efforts to ensure she is getting socialized with kids her age and learning the fun of playing and learning as a group.

We started this journey in early August, and already I am figuring it this is not a journey that I need to do on my own, so I have been looking for resources and community. We are trying to ensure that she hits her milestones, have fun, as well…



Estella Writes
A Parent Is Born

Storyteller, Savant, Military Brat, Wife, & Mom; I love the planet & the people who share the world with me. Connect with me: as well.