Becoming a Father Changes the Way You Think and Live Your life

It changed everything for me.

Alejandro Betancourt
A Parent Is Born


Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels

Becoming a father was one of the most important things that have ever happened to me. Becoming a father changed the way I think about myself and the world. It’s completely changed my whole life!

Becoming a father changed not only my perspective on life but also changed the way I face challenges. Parenting is a huge responsibility, and having gone through it myself for the past six years, I’ve learned that all my time needs to be focused on my kids. Parenting took over my life and completely changed me as a person.

Becoming a father puts things into perspective about what’s essential in life. It was like transcending from one dimension to another.

Becoming a father made me realize that you won’t always be right, but you sure try to make the best decision for them. This means that every decision — big or small will impact them for the rest of their lives.

Parenting helped me recognize that while our parents may not be perfect, they did their best. A parent’s influence over a child is incommensurable whether you are present or not. And even more importantly, it’s how you are present when you are with them.

Parenting helped me put things into perspective. How important it is to live your life every day as if you are walking in sunshine! Even if sometimes you are walking on hot coal.

Parenting has taught me that nothing in this world is more rewarding than having a great relationship with my children.

There’s nothing more important than spending time with them. I try to cherish every moment I have with them. Who would have thought that you could find joy in changing a diaper? It’s made me value things and appreciate new things in life that I would never have done before.

It has given me a new perspective, and I know that everything I’m doing is for them. It’s made me want to be the best dad possible for them — to teach them right from wrong, how to be strong, how to love.

My children are my number one priority now. And without them in my life, I don’t know how I would have been through some rough times I’ve had—coming back home to find their innocence has made life so much more bearable and beautiful.

Being a father is challenging! But spending time with my kids and loving them is worth it!

Fatherhood changes the way a person thinks about life and their responsibilities. You have to take care of your child from day one. You have to make sure they are getting the proper nutrition, that they are healthy and safe. Parenting is about making sacrifices for your kids. It means you can’t always get things done on your terms.

Parenting is teaching them through everyday actions. Even though it may seem like something small could never teach them anything.

Parenting is about working with children so that they develop strong learning habits and study skills. Parenting teaches you how to be present at the moment while letting go of past issues or disagreements you had with daily life.

Becoming a father changed not only my perspective but my life. The way a person thinks about their life does change when they become a father. Parenting is a huge responsibility and one that I have been grateful for every day since my children were born.

“Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.”

— Brooke Hampton

Becoming a father is a life-changing experience for all men. Whether you recognize it or not. You can’t be the same once you become a father. The first weeks of fatherhood can be stressful, overwhelming, and even scary.

Parenting can change your plans, plans that you may have had for years.

Parenting can change how you think about your time, money, work schedule, death, and more. It can also bring new fears you didn’t have before or weren’t aware of. Parenting can teach you new things about yourself that will surprise even you!

Parenting has taught me to appreciate my freedom while at the same time being grateful for everything I am blessed with. Parenting has taught me how to be more responsible in life because my children would suffer the consequences.

Parenting has helped me realize what is essential in life!

Children grow up with different ideas about being a man in part because of how fathers behave in society. In addition to other influences, fathers can provide a sense of stability and continuity for children.

With the ever-present social media, man’s attention span is being reduced by the second. This impacts your ability to be an attentive father. When dads are plugged into their phones or tablets, they don’t have the opportunity to engage with their children. My phone is no longer invited when I’m playing with my children. Parenting is about being present for your kids, but technology can get in the way of that.

The most important thing that all fathers can do is spend quality time with their children. Children need you to support them through their growth and development to become successful, happy, and healthy adults.

Parenting requires you to put your child before anything else. Parenting is about developing a solid foundation with your children by doing things such as reading books together, taking them outside to play, teaching them how to share with others, how to be empathetic, and more.

I never imagined how much my life would change by becoming a father. My children are my greatest gifts and my best teachers.

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Alejandro Betancourt
A Parent Is Born

Entrepreneur, Investor, Executive Coach & Author. Single Dad sharing insights on Mindset, Philosophy, and Self-Improvement.