Beyond Mom: The Crucial Role of Dads in Raising Babies

A Parent Is Born
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2023
Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

The traditional stereotype of a father’s role in child-rearing is that of the breadwinner who provides for the family financially. However, this perception is rapidly changing, and dads are becoming more involved in their baby’s upbringing than ever before. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a father’s role in a baby’s very first years, including the benefits of father involvement, the unique contributions that dads can make, and their roles in different stages of a baby’s development.

Benefits of Father Involvement

Research shows that children who have involved with fathers tend to have better outcomes in life, including higher academic achievement, better social and emotional development, and higher self-esteem. Fathers also play a crucial role in developing a child’s cognitive and language skills. A father’s involvement in child-rearing can also have a positive impact on the mother’s well-being and mental health, leading to a more harmonious and happy family.

Unique Contributions of Fathers

Fathers bring a unique perspective to the child-rearing process. They tend to play more physically with their children, which can help develop gross motor skills, and they are more likely to engage in rough-and-tumble play, which can help children learn self-regulation and emotional control. Fathers also tend to encourage their children to take risks and explore their environment, which can help them develop a sense of independence and confidence. In addition, fathers tend to be more focused on discipline and boundaries, which can help children learn to respect rules and authority.

Roles of Fathers in Different Stages of a Baby’s Development

Newborn Stage

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In the newborn stage, fathers can play a critical role in supporting the mother, especially if she is recovering from a difficult birth. Fathers can help with tasks such as changing diapers, burping, and soothing the baby, which can help them bond with their child. Fathers can establish their own connection with the baby by spending time holding, cuddling, and talking to their newborn, which can help develop the baby’s language skills. They can also take on some of the household chores, such as cooking and cleaning, to give the mother time to rest and recover.

Infant Stage

Photo by Alex Bodini on Unsplash

In the infant stage, fathers can continue to support the mother by sharing the workload of caring for the baby. They can help with feeding, bathing, and dressing the baby, which can help strengthen their bond with their child. Fathers can also engage in play with their child, such as peek-a-boo and singing songs, which can help develop social and emotional skills. Additionally, fathers can begin to establish routines and boundaries, such as setting a regular bedtime, reading books for the baby before the baby’s going to bed, and introducing age-appropriate discipline.

Fathers can also be involved in the following activities during the infant stage.

  1. Read to the baby: Fathers can read to their baby, which can help develop language skills and foster a love of reading.
  2. Participate in baby groups: Fathers can attend baby groups, such as daddy and me classes, where they can bond with their baby and other parents.
  3. Help with doctor’s appointments: Fathers can take the baby to doctor’s appointments, which can help them develop a relationship with the baby’s healthcare provider and stay informed about the baby’s health.

Toddler Stage

Photo by Laura Ohlman on Unsplash

In the toddler stage, fathers can continue to play with their children and help develop gross motor skills, such as running and jumping. Fathers can also continue to establish routines and boundaries, as well as introduce new experiences and challenges. Fathers can also encourage their child’s independence and self-expression, while still providing guidance and structure.

Fathers can be involved in the following activities during the toddler stage.

  1. Play with the toddler: Fathers can engage in active play with their toddler, such as running, jumping, and playing ball.
  2. Introduce new experiences: Fathers can take their toddlers to new places, such as the zoo or a park, to encourage exploration and discovery.
  3. Help with discipline: Fathers can help establish rules and boundaries and enforce them consistently to help their toddlers learn to respect authority.
  4. Participate in educational activities: Fathers can read to their toddlers, play educational games, and engage in other learning activities to help develop their cognitive and language skills.
  5. Provide emotional support: Fathers can provide emotional support for their toddlers, such as being a comforting presence when the child is upset or stressed.

As a father, being involved in your child’s life is one of the most important things you can do. Whether it’s holding your newborn, playing with your toddler, or helping your child with homework, your involvement can make a positive difference in your child’s development and well-being. By being an active and engaged father, you can help shape your child’s future and create a lifelong bond that will last a lifetime.



A Parent Is Born

A grateful mom who savors life's small joys, from tasty dishes to precious family moments. Sharing my thoughts on all aspects of the journey of parenthood.