Birthing A Champion

We know how pregnancy and birth impacts mothers, but what of the father’s journey and how has the last year affected that?

A Parent Is Born


In all the ways that Covid-19 has affected daily life for families, the impact that it has had on the birth journey has been profound and will have echoes for years to come.

Women delve deep into their warrior natures during labour and birth, and ideally, they are enabled and encouraged to retreat from the world around them. To do this they require a champion, a defender to act as the interface between them and the outside world.

This bubble isn’t created at the moment labour begins, it starts to form at the first point of connection between the partner and the baby, and grows with every passing month. But what if your partner is no longer able to come to scans to see the baby for the first time, and can’t hold your hand and exhale in relief as you’re told everything is alright?

What if they can’t hear the galloping of the tiny heart within you and feel that fierce rush of protection toward this tiny being?

What are the consequences of knowing that if you birth at a hospital you will need to say goodbye at the door and enter alone?



A Parent Is Born

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.