Dear Parents: Follow the 50/50 Rule for College Saving

We do want flexibility while we save, in case life throws us a curveball.

The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: iStock

By Jesse Cramer

After a few real-life conversations and my running the math, I’ve decided that a “50/50” rule for college saving achieves the best of both worlds.

The rule is:

  • ~50% of your college savings goals should be saved via a 529 plan.
  • The other ~50% should be saved via a taxable brokerage account.

Why is that the case? Let’s discuss what we do and don’t want from our college savings plan.

PS — if you want further background reading on 529 plans, here are some other useful articles…

What We Do and Don’t Want from College Savings

  • We do want to save for college. Ground-breaking stuff.
  • We do want to reduce our income taxes.
  • We do want our investments to grow tax-free.
  • We do want flexibility while we save, in case life throws us a curveball.
  • We don’t want to end up…



The Good Men Project
A Parent Is Born

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