Forget Parenting Advice, This Is One Tip You Should Always Remember

Modern parenting is never straightforward, but live by this simple advice and it’ll make looking after your kids much easier.

Christine Vann, MSc.
A Parent Is Born


Here’s the one tip for raising children you should never forget.
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Before I got pregnant, my sister-in-law warned me bringing up kids was tiring.

She has two; her parents brought up her son. Raising her second one, my niece — a college graduate now, took a lot more effort on her part. She wasn’t used to the physical slog of raising kids, the invisible and repetitive work that goes into keeping a small person alive.

These days I wonder if my sister-in-law would find parenting more mentally challenging in an era where mom influencer is a job title.

Raising her child pre-social media, she didn’t have to contend with judgy Facebook groups, filtered Instagram moms (#liveauthentic), and ever-changing online advice from experts.

Have fun; nothing else matters

But I digress. All I wanted to say is if only my sister-in-law had received this tip, I’m sure she might have enjoyed life more with her energetic toddler.

You see, when I was cradling my firstborn, a veteran mom told me:

“No matter what, enjoy…



Christine Vann, MSc.
A Parent Is Born

SEO writer & owner of parenting site Interests: consumer & cyberpsychology. Contact me