Giving Children Unconditional Love

The love and attention of parents cannot be replaced

Afzal Badshah, PhD
A Parent Is Born


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In 2015, I attended a university convocation. I was seated in the designated area with my colleagues. The students who had earned medals were being honored. After each announcement, applause was played for the honored students. When one such student came on stage to receive her award, the usual round of applause began and continued until she was awarded the medal. The applause eventually died down, but from one side there was still continuous applause.

The entire venue turned to these applauses. A couple was still standing and clapping their hands loudly. It could not be anyone else. This passion, this love, this fanaticism could only be a parent’s. On this day, I was reminded of how eagerly parents wait for the success of their children, and the joy that parents get after their children’s success is beyond measure.

Give the children unconditional love or they will try to find it outside. And when they find love outside, have outside relationships, you will suffer a lot. You are not only nurturing the child, but you are also nurturing the relationship between you and the child.

As the child grows up, so does your bond with them.

A ocmprehensive tutorial on parenting and schooling by Dr. Afzal Badshah

Praise the children when they do well, and if the child ever does something that you don’t think is right, don’t yell at them, don’t get angry. Doing so will push the child away from you and they will try to find other supports. You should tell them your feelings and explain that it hurts you when they do this.

Children come to an age when they think of themselves as the king of the world and everything else seems very small. These feelings occur even if they don’t get food in the evening. This is the age in which the distance, especially between parents and children, begins to decline.

Do not hit the children, do not shout at them, do not use bad words for them, and also tell the school teachers and the head of the institution what kind of environment is given to the children in your home so that they can do well in school. You can give them the same environment. Get the child admitted in a school in which the children of the same parents as you are studying. If not, they may make demands of you that you will not be able to meet. This will also make the children sad that the parents do not listen to them.

Share your feelings with the children rather than getting angry.

You may have heard of icebergs; a piece of ice floating in the ocean, with only 10% visible outside the surface of the sea and the remaining 90% beneath the water. When parents work 100% with their child, only 10% of this is reflected in the child’s training, so there is no need to panic. Child training is a laborious and time-consuming task, with results that come much later.

Parenting and Schooling-A Comprehensive Guide​

69 stories



Afzal Badshah, PhD
A Parent Is Born

Dr Afzal Badshah focuses on academic skills, pedagogy (teaching skills) and life skills.